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Contribution to Our Lady’s Home for Boys (Orphanage for Boys, Mumbai)

In keeping with the charitable aims and objectives of the KCA, a number of charities in the city were selected to be recipients of the generosity, and concern of the KCA Members. One of these was Our Lady’s Home, Parel, an Orphanage run under the Archdiocese of Mumbai. On August 30th, Mr. Adrian Correa and Mrs. Anne-Marie Rego of the Social and Charitable Sub-Committee drove to Parel to visit the Home, and also to hand over a cheque of Rs. 50,000 to Fr. Elias D’Souza, Director, Our Lady’s Home. Our Lady’s Home, for the past 51 years, has cared for the orphaned, poor and destitute boys of all castes and creeds. What began in a shaky abandoned wooden structure is now a two storeyed building, thrice the size of the former Home. The Home has so far ‘fathered’ 1804 boys, and is the ‘grandfather’ to a few more, as many of those who have passed out are now married. Those naughty, untidy little boys are today by and large independent and responsible young men, holding good posts in well known companies, and government offices. Fr. Elias took us around the building so that we could see for ourselves the conditions they live and work in at the Home. They have a total of 150 orphans who are educated, fed, clothed and housed till they are able to manage on their own. They are encouraged to develop the best human values, and good character along with their studies and sports. They also have a beautiful little chapel in which the Catholic boys meet daily to attend Mass. The older boys are encouraged to mentor and guide the younger ones. An interesting new development is the lush terrace garden where the boys are taught various gardening skills such as hydroponics, composting, growing seedlings, etc., many of which are purchased by nurseries. The garden has fresh vegetables like tomatoes, lady’s finger, brinjal, herbs like tulsi and ajwain, fruits like guava and banana, and the boys receive instructions on how to grow them, and care for them. This is a boon to those who would like to pursue agricultural interests. We visited their dormitories, the classrooms, the kitchen, the dining rooms, the laundry, and the chapel. As the structure is now over 56 years old, it is in dire need of repairs. Several areas of the building and playground have been cordoned off due to the crumbling masonry. The Archdiocese depends on the generosity of all those who can donate, no matter how small the sum, to the repair and reconstruction fund, to ensure the safety of the children, and the continuation of this wonderful Home. In this Year of Mercy, while we give thanks for all that we have been blessed with, let us reach out with generous hearts to fulfill the Corporal Acts of Mercy…feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, care for the orphaned. The Home has a webpage, which you can check out for further information, if you wish to donate in person –  

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Financial Assistance to Gnanmata Sadan Society

Gnanmata Sadan Society, a Jesuit Educational Trust, runs 11 middle schools and 4 high schools for the Warli  Tribals in Talasari and Dahanu Talukas near Mumbai serving about 8,000 Adivasi girls and boys.  In the recent past, the enrollment in these schools has increased by approximately 2,000 students requiring the Sadan to redevelop and expand their infrastructure. Adrian Correa and Anne-Marie Rego of the KCA Social and Charitable Sub-Committee visited the Sadan last summer to see the conditions and how we could help.  Due to being in the very heavy rain belt, most of the buildings were in a bad condition and required immediate attention.  However, funds from the government are few and far between and certainly not enough to meet the needs.  Most of the Jesuit Schools send whatever charitable contributions they can to help this mission. Gnanmata Sadan Society is now constructing a new facility to house 12 classrooms and once this is ready, will pull down the old structure to make way for a new building to house the rest of the classrooms, a hall and other facilities.  We at the KCA have made a contribution of Rs. 100,000 to support this noteworthy cause.  We also take this opportunity to request our Members to contribute to Gnanmata Sadan Society either directly or through us. Funds were disbursed from the KCA Educational Assistance Fund which was launched in October 2016, post the ratification of the Accounts at the KCA AGM.

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Monti Saibinishi Fest 2016

September 25, 2016 Monti Fest is one of the biggest Mangalorean Catholic festivals held on 8th September every year. This festival celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and involves blessing of Novem (new crops).  It is celebrated with much fervour & gaiety by Kanarites & Kanarite associations all over India & even abroad! So for the first time in its 116-year old history, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA), Mumbai celebrated the Monti Fest on September 25, 2016, at its Yuvakalaya premises in Bandra.  The plan was to give its members, many of whom are born & bred in Mumbai, a true feeling of being in Kodial on a feast day! Members were greeted with Banana & coconut leaf decorations at the entrance & the ladies were presented with Mogra flowers to adorn their hair!  Managing Council member, Mr Eric D’sa, who, as convenor of Monti Fest, planned the entire celebration with his team, welcomed the members & their families at the entrance. The celebration kicked off with a solemn Mass in Konkani celebrated by Bishop Percival Fernandez assisted by Fr Valerian D’souza, with a melodious Konkani choir led by Mr Wilfred Fernandes.  It was heartening to see the active participation of many of our English speaking members who sang & joined in the Konkani hymns & prayers from the booklet specially prepared for the occasion! The blessing of the new rice/paddy and sugar-cane followed (freshly flown in from the fields of the Konkan the previous day!) and the same was distributed to KCA members.  Then came the adoration of Mother Mary with flowers, first by the children & then the adults. The 2nd Issue of ‘Amchi Khobor’, the newly launched news magazine of the KCA Mumbai, was then released by Bishop Percy in the presence of Ms Angeline Pereira, the daughter of eminent Mangalorean, Mr Allen Pereira, who was featured in the issue.  A floral tribute was also paid to the portrait of Dr Stanny Patrao, community stalwart & past President of the KCA, by Dr Kranti Farias, whose literary tribute to him was featured in the Amchi Khobor magazine. After some light refreshments, members & their families proceeded for the cultural program, put together by the organising team, and led by the effervescent Ms Rolin Furtado, the MC for the day.  Mr Wilfred Fernandes and his group provided lively music in Konkani & English, and an entertaining time was had by all – with singing, dancing & games. Then followed the highlight of the program – the Grand Monti Fest lunch – ‘Novem Jovean’!  The traditional menu of nine different vegetable dishes, served on a banana leaf (with Mumbai-style pomfret curry thrown in for variety!), was thoroughly relished by all!  For most KCA members, it was their first experience of a Monti Fest celebration and there were many calls to make this an annual event in the KCA Mumbai calendar!  The contribution of Mr Eric D’sa, Mr Albert Machado and Ms Clara Menezes (Vice-President of the Association), ably assisted by the KCA staff, was much appreciated by all. Among the many Aims & Objectives of the KCA, the first one reads: “To foster a spirit of union & friendship among members and others“.  As the gathering slowly left the venue, after a thoroughly enjoyable morning, many of the members expressed that the Monti Fest celebration had achieved just that!! Cultural and Recreation Team MONTI FEST COVERED IN SECULAR CITIZEN! A report of the Monti Fest celebration was covered in the October 24th issue of the Secular Citizen magazine!  You can view or download the Magazine

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Vol 1, Issue 2: Oct-Dec 2016

The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   Please view or download your copy from below The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   Please view or download your copy from below The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   Please view or download your copy from below The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   Please view or download your copy from below The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   Please view or download your copy from below you could try here The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   Please view or download your copy from below The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016 The Oct-Dec 2016 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Bishop Percival Fernandez at the Monti Fest Celebration held on September 25, 2016   Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below

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Lawrence S D’Souza

Mar 28, 1924 – Jul 21, 2016 KCA, Mumbai, deeply regrets the demise of it’s former President, Mr. Lawrence D’Souza Mudarth, affectionately remembered by his family and many friends as Lawrie. He served the KCA as President from 1988-1990, and as Vice-President from 1973-1976. He passed away after a brief illness at the age of 92, in Mumbai on 21st July, 2016, and his mortal remains were interred at Jeppu Cemetry in Mangaluru on 25th July, 2016. Lawrie was a proud Mangalorean and worked hard for many years to ensure that KCA, Mumbai, kept to its well established traditions. (Inset) KCA, Mumbai, Managing Council Member, Mr. Eric D’sa, placed a floral tribute at the grave of Lawrence S D’Souza in Mangalore.

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Jul-Aug 2016: Updates

Special General Body Meeting (SpGM); A Special General Body Meeting (SpGM) of the Members of the Kanara Catholic Association was held on August 28, 2016.   Click here to read more about the SpGM of August 28, 2016.   KCA News Magazine and KCA Website:The KCA News Magazine, titled Amchi Khobor, meaning ‘Our News’ and the KCA Website was launched at a function held on July 23, 2016 by Mr. Winston Vaz and Bishop Percival Fernandez respectively at the KCA Community Hall in Bandra.   Click here to read more about the launch of the KCA News Magazine and KCA Website.

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AGM on September 25, 2016

Update: The Draft Minutes of Meeting of the AGM have been circulated to all members who attended the AGM. For those of you who were unable to attend, the draft Minutes are available for download at the bottom of this page. The 85th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of the Kanara Catholic Association will be held at 11.30 am on Sunday, September 25, 2016, at the Ground Floor Hall at the KCA Premises in Bandra (W), Mumbai. The Notice, Agenda & Explanatory Statement is available for download below The AGM Booklet with the Annual Accounts are also available for download below

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‘Raindrops’ Monsoon Social 2016

July 23, 2016 The uneven sound of rain drops outside our hall was drowned by the sweet melody of music inside the hall!   The informal gathering, which came in casual wear at the KCA ground floor hall all looked set to have a good time.  Yes, dear members this was indeed one of the first in a series of such events in the months to come. The decor and the blue lights created an ambience of a perfect dance party for our members and their guests.   As the invitees trouped in, they were greeted by soft sweet music of yester-years, some of them tapping their feet to the beat and others trying to sing along.  It was good to see everyone hunting for a nice cosy place to settle down, to spend the evening set before them.  To see us through the evening, we had our very own member, Mr. Merwin D’souza, who as Master of Ceremonies lined up the type of music and coordinated the dance sections with the DJ.   While the music played, guest moved in to buy their favourite hot barbeque snacks which started rolling out from the charcoal pit.  Yes, some like it hot specially when the rains keep beating down!  There were other interesting snacks like Choris Pau, mutton cutlets etc. followed by a dinner choice of pork sorpotel with sannas, Chinese food and other tasty stuff…Hay, hay, we better stop before we make your mouths water!  We also had a doctor’s medicine corner where peg measures along with suitable mixtures were provided to enliven the spirits of the rain dancers! Shall we move to the dance floor??  As usual in the beginning there was slow action as everyone was waiting for someone to give the lead, but in no time the floor was full, and everyone was in motion to the beat.  There was good movement on the dance floor with thumping feet and swinging arms action just picked up and everyone was just about having a swinging time! This went on till the sound deadline time signaled – STOP.  But you know how it always happens no one likes to leave the dance floor when in the mood…we could hear loud shouts of More, More, More…More SURE ! We said until the next time……  Richard D’SouzaCultural and Recreation Team 

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Launch of ‘Amchi Khobor’ News Magazine & KCA Website

July 23, 2016   The Kanara Catholic Association has a new Managing Committee who has taken it upon itself to revive the “Mangalorean Review” published several decades ago.  The man who took the initiative and the driving force to start the news magazine was Mr Eric D’Sa, who put together a fine Editorial team, who in turn selected the name of the news magazine ‘AMCHI KHOBOR’, meaning ‘Our News’.  It will carry useful and interesting information about our community, our history and our heritage. Besides it will feature an outstanding Mangalorean who has done yeomen service to the community in Mumbai, as well as happenings and event of the core-committees. The launch of this magazine took place at a function held on July 23rd, 2016, at the KCA Community Hall in Bandra. The portraits of earlier Presidents Mr Mark Vaz and Mrs. Terry Vaz were honourably placed in prominence near the dais.  On the dais were Chief Guest, Bishop Percival Fernandes, the Editor, Freddy Mendonca with the Guests of Honour, Mr and Mrs Winston Vaz, flanked by Dr. Kranti Farias and Dr. Jeanette Pinto both who are on the Editorial Board. They were all felicitated with floral tributes.The function started with a welcome address by the Vice-President of the KCA, Ms Clara Menezes and the function was compered by the Hon. Secretary of the KCA, Mr Praveen Pereira.  He invited Mr. Freddy Mendonca to give the Introductory talk.  That was followed by Dr. Kranti Farias who spoke about the contribution of some of the earlier stalwarts of KCA, and appreciated them for their sacrifice & dedication. Thereafter, Dr. Jeanette Pinto spoke about Dr. Anil D’Cruz, who was profiled in the inaugural issue, praising his dedication to his work and admiring his humility.Bishop Percival was then invited to speak. He congratulated the Managing Committee for this initiative at a time when communication is the key to progress.  He also mentioned how happy he was to see that the KCA had been revived and expressed his desire and interest to remain connected with it.  He was happy to be part of the programme. Thereafter The guest of honour Mr Winston Vaz was requested to release AMCHI KHOBOR’.  It was a great moment for the gathering who cheered the initiative. The cover page reflected the coastline of Mangalore with a clump of coconut palms and a picture of people praying for peace. It was designed by Seedon D’Souza.   Thereafter Bishop Percival was invited to launch the website.  It was another auspicious moment, which called for a loud round of applause! The function ended with a Vote of Thanks followed by refreshments served to the all the guests.  Dr. Jeanette PintoEditorial Board 

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Welcome new Members: August 2016

Welcome to the following new members of the KCA ! Philip D’souza  Premila D’souza  Dilip DeSa  Ajay Furtado  Audrey Hume  Denzil Rego  Irene Rego  Mary Ann Muckaden  Frederick Mendonca  Albert Machado  Sheila Vaz  Application forms were scrutinized & approved at a meeting of the Balloting Committee held on July 15, 2016.  The decision of the Balloting Committee was ratified at the meeting of the Managing Council on July 16, 2016 Please note Ordinary Membership is now open.  However, in compliance with KCA rules, fresh applications will be accepted at the KCA office from October 1, 2016 onwards

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Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA) Mumbai. 

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