
The KCA is registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 (BPT Act), the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and as a 12A Institution under the Indian Income Tax Act.

As per the provisions of the above laws, the KCA also has a detailed set of Rules & Regulations covering various aspects of the running of the organisation. 
As per these Rules & Regulations, the KCA is to be managed by a Managing Council, consisting of:
  • 4 Elected Office Bearers
    • Who are also the Trustees as per the BPT Act
    • Members of the KCA directly elect the 4 office-bearers, namely President, Vice-President, Hon. Secretary & Hon. Treasurer 
    • The term of elected office bearers is 3 years, on the expiry of which fresh elections are held
  • 5-9 Co-opted Council Members
    • Who are Life members of the Association 
    • A minimum of 5 & maximum of 9 life members can be co-opted to the Managing Council (current strength is 7)
    • 1/3 of co-opted members resign each year, after the AGM, and are replaced with new co-opted members to inject fresh ideas & thinking.
The managing council runs the affairs of the KCA within the framework of the governing laws & the KCA Rules & Regulations.  
The current KCA Rules & Regulations can be viewed and downloaded below.  These Rules & Regulations are updated from time-to-time & were last changed in 1992
It is to be noted that Rules & Regulations can be changed only after approval from the General Body of the Association and subsequent approval / ratification by the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai
Rules & Regulations - 2018

Elected Office Bearers: 2021 – 2024

  1. President : Mr Sunil Lobo
  2. Vice President : Mr Adrian Vaz
  3. Honorary Secretary : Mr Merwyn D’souza
  4. Honorary Treasurer : Mr Sanjay Rego

Co-opted Managing Council Members (from AGM of 2021 upto AGM of 2024)

  1. Ms Clara Menezes
  2. Ms Annemarie Rego
  3. Ms Lidvina Pereira
  4. Mr Christopher Alvares
  5. Mr Brian D’Lima
  6. Mr Boris Buthello ( Co-opted in June 2022 ) 
The Managing Council is assisted by the office staff as well as various sub-committees to carry out its duties & functions


As per Rule 23 of the Rules & Regulations of the Association, sub-committees are appointed for the purpose of carrying on the activities of the Association.  All member activities are being run by sub-committees appointed under this rule, which you can read about in the ‘Member Activities’ section of this website. 
Besides the above, Rule 11(c) enables the Managing Council to appoint a special sub-committee to look into any special needs or projects or affairs of the Association for the protection and advancement of the affairs of the Association.
special Legal & Finance sub-committee was set-up under Rule 11(c) in June 2016.  This sub-committee was reconstituted as a regular sub-committee (under Rule 23) in July 2017.
For a list of the members of the sub-committee, click here

Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA) Mumbai. 

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