May-Jun 2016: Updates

KCA News Magazine:  

The KCA News Magazine is being re-started after a gap of several years (we are still trying to find out if it was published after 1941, which is the last year of which we have a record!).  An editorial board has been formed & preparations are on for a launch in July
Appointment of Balloting Committee & Opening of Membership
A new balloting committee has been appointed & new membership has been opened (click the links for more)
Appointment of Legal & Finance sub-committee
A new Legal & Finance sub-committee has been appointed to advise the managing council on various legal & financial matters including the Noble Chambers legal case, last 7 years accounts etc
Information Technology improvements
  • Installation of a CCTV surveillance system was set-up to improve the security environment of the KCA premises
  • Registration of KCA as an NGO with Nasscom – for free & subsidized software products & services
  • Registration of & installation of free google apps services including e-mail, website etc
  • KCA website planned for launch in July (with the KCA News Magazine)
Important decision regarding members being vendors of the KCA
The following guidelines were approved by the Managing Council regarding members who do work (as a supplier or contractor) for the KCA:
  • Trustees or their relatives:  cannot be a vendor of the KCA as per Income-tax Rules (relative is defined as sibling, parent, child or spouse)
  • Managing Council Members:  cannot be a vendor as long as they serve on the Council (as per proposed KCA code of ethics)
  • Sub-committee Members: cannot be a vendor as long as they serve on the Sub-committee (as per proposed KCA code of ethics)
This decision, we believe will enhance the credibility of the KCA & prevent any conflict of interest situations from arising.

About Us

Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA), Mumbai is the premier community organization of the Mangalorean Catholic community of Mumbai.  With approximately 800 members on its rolls, the KCA has a rich legacy of service to the community & society at large. 

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  • Young Achievers
  • Yuvakalaya Hostel
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Amchi Khobar

Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA) Mumbai. 

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