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The birth of the KCA

(Excerpt from the Golden Jubilee Souvenir, 1951)  Way back in the sixties of the last century, the calls of “Urbs Prima in Indis” began to lure some of the more enterprising members of the Kanara Catholic community, particularly of the town of Mangalore, and although those were not the days of a regular coastal steamship service, that did not deter them from entering Bombay Port by country craft, mainly for the purposes of trade.  Bombay was just then entering upon an era of unparalleled prosperity, what with its being the first port of call for ships from Europe, laden as they were with the products of a highly industrialized continent, and which awaited distribution in this part of the country from Bombay, the emporium of the East.  The textile industry of Bombay gave a further impetus to trade and it was not, therefore, surprising that a brisk coastal trade was carried on between Bombay and many of the Southern Ports.   Mangalore also had much to offer Bombay in the shape of her locally manufactured roofing tiles, and the coffee grown on the hillside tracts of Mysore State adjoining South Kanara.  Trade prosperity in Bombay spelled increased employment all round, and jobs of all kinds were to be had for the asking.  From the beginnings of Kanarian mercantile activity, there soon followed a small trickle of educated persons to whom Bombay offered good scope for service in its mercantile, public and administrative offices.     The inauguration of the ‘Shepherd Line’ of steamers (later becoming the ‘Bombay Steam Navigation Company’) gave a further impetus to the influx of Kanara Catholics into Bombay, and the tiny trickle of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s grew steadily into a mighty stream before the end of the last century, until in 1900, it was estimated that there were about three to four hundred members of the Catholic community of North and South Kanara, who had taken root in this city, excluding a probable thousand members spread about the city, and following the avocations of domestic and other industrial work.  With the beginning of the present century, the Kanarites in Bombay began to feel the necessity of having an Association of their own, and it was on February 17, 1901 that at a large and representative meeting of the community, it was decided to form the Kanara Catholic Association, its first President being the Hon’ble Major Cajetan Fernandes, M.D., I.M.S., (pictured right) and its first Honorary Secretary, the Late Mr. Francis Louis Silva.  The Association was established in the interests of the Catholics of Kanara, and had for its objects, the fostering of a spirit of union, friendship, and self-help among the members; the provision and facilities for their meeting together for social and other purposes; and the organization of charitable relief, and such others as were necessary for the promotion of the welfare of the community. The motto of the Association was “Vis Unita Fortior”, a principle to which it has made great efforts to live up to during its span of existence of 50 years, as is evidenced by its various activities. You can read more on the history of the KCA and download the complete Golden Jubilee Souvenir from the History section of this website (click here).

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Mark Vaz and Terry Vaz

By Dr. Kranti K. Farias On February 19, 1901, at a large gathering of the community, it was decided to form the Kanara Catholic Association. With 50 Members on its rolls, Hon. Major Cajetan Fernandes, a North Kanarite was Founder President (1901 – 1905) and Mr. Francis L Silva, the first Secretary. There were about 400 Mangalorean Catholics at that time.Many were there who made an impressive contribution to the growth of the Kanara Catholic Association down the years. In 1961, in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee Year of the Association, the Managing Council with full faith in the support of Members embarked on an ambitious project, the mammoth task of building a hall and hostel, having limited funds, but great hope. It was to be a lasting monument in memory of those who had placed the community on the map of Bombay. It would answer the dire need felt in this great metropolis for reasonably priced accommodation for young men coming into a new city from North and South Kanara, be ‘a home away from home’ and meet the need to have a hall for the activities of the growing community.  The Diamond Jubilee Year Fund was started in 1961 and focused on working towards building the hostel and hall. The next five years went with efforts made through appeals for donations and loans from Bombay, Mangalore, and overseas; sale of raffle tickets, dances and plays to raise funds. The man at the helm at this time as President was Mr. Mark Vaz. He had the most supportive team (Managing Council). Mark Vaz was elected unanimously to the Office of President for five terms, beginning with the 46th AGM held at the Nagpada House on March 27, 1955 till May 28, 1961, when he expressed that it was the turn of others to get the post. This shows the sterling qualities of a team builder and leader. Charles M Sequeira at the 49th AGM, held on May 25, 1958, said of him, “Mark Vaz had splendidly guided the construction ideas leading to an improvement in the funds and a spirit of friendliness. He had also revived a number of activities which had gone down”. Minutes of the Council Meetings reveal this truth. In spite of his preoccupation with his business, Mr. Mark Vaz always found time to work for the Association. Mr. Vaz resigned from the Council on March 21, 1965. At the 53rd AGM held at Noble Chambers on October 11, 1962, Mr. Lambert D’Souza, Hon. Secretary moved a Resolution, seconded by Mr. Bertram Shenoi, “that in recognition of the meritorious services rendered to the Association by Mr. Mark Vaz as the President for five years, the portrait of Mark Vaz be unveiled at the next Annual Social and Dance.” The Resolution was carried unanimously and with acclamation. Personal Sketch of Mr. Mark Vaz: With great qualities of heart and mind as a Christian, Mark Vaz as he humbly admitted rose from a Clerk in a clearing agency to be the Managing Director of his own clearing agency, VAZ FORWARDING PRIVATE LIMITED. He was a great benefactor of the Mangalorean Community in Bombay and Kanara; St. Aloysius’ College, Mangalore; and the Church in India, and was bountiful to small time businessmen, too. All Christian work is complimentary, and as husband and wife, Mark Vaz and Terry Vaz, played well this role with grace and humility, and worked in collaboration.                                                 Mrs. Aileen Patrao proposed the name of Mrs. Terry Vaz as President, and this was seconded by Mr. L F Sequeira.  Mrs. Terry Vaz was unanimously elected President of the Association, the first lady to be elected to that coveted position, was was re-elected successively til 1968. The Special Committee to look after the construction of the KCA Hall & Hostel was also formed at this AGM. Meetings and travels to get the funds needed went on. As the completion of the construction was nearing, the Council decided to hold a competition for a name for the hostel. Ms. Leela Rego won the prize for her submission, the name “Yuvakalaya” (Abode for the Youth). The KCA Hall & Hostel was inaugurated on June 28, 1969, by His Excellency, Mr. P V Cherian, Governor of Maharashtra, and blessed by His Eminence, Dr. Valerian, Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay.  The first hostel to be built by a Christian Association, besides the Sodality House, Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. hostels in Bombay, the KCA Hostel was open to young men, regardless of caste and creed. Though meant for young men coming from Kanara, those from other Christian communities were also admitted. The building was also equipped with a Community Hall for the activities of the Association. Mr. G J Saldanha eulogised the services of both Mr. Mark Vaz and Mrs. Terry Vaz at the 57th AGM of January 9, 1971, the first meeting held at Yuvakalaya, when he was President, and Mrs. Terry Vaz was Vice-President, saying, “he gratefully acknowledged the co-operation of all Members, and in particular, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vaz, who rendered invaluable service throughout the period of construction of the hostel.” The General Body at the AGM unanimously resolved to unveil the portrait of Mrs. Terry Vaz in the KCA Hall as a tribute to her. The unveiling of the portrait of Mrs. Terry Vaz by Mr. Kantikumar Podar, Sheriff of Bombay and prominent industrialist, was held at a function on March 2, 1974. Dr. Fabian Fernandes, President of KCA welcomed the Chief Guest and referred to his status and involvement in the city’s life. He then briefly recounted the history and background of South Kanarites. He stressed that ‘out of the portals of the colleges and convents of Kanara have come out men and women who have distinguished themselves in various walks of life’. Speaking next, Mr. G J Saldanha, Retired Presidency Magistrate said, “the history of the Kanara Catholic Association, which has survived 73 years was the history

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Dr. Stanislaus (Stanny) Patrao

By Dr. Kranti K. Farias  Dr. Stanislaus Patrao was born on March 25, 1899, in Kallianpur, South Kanara.  His early education was at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore.  He completed his Intermediate Science, where he stood first, from St. Xavier’s College, Bombay.  He was the only student to hold a triple graduate qualification in Medicine and Surgery from Grant Medical College, Bombay.  He was the first student to get the degree in the Department of Anatomy and Embryology, a First Class with Distinction, and here he started the Branch of Comparative Anatomy and its Museum, winning several prestigious prizes.   Dr. Patrao was a benefactor to the community in Bombay and in Kanara; to the Kanara Catholic Association, Bombay; and to his beloved Alma Mater, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore.  Dr. Patrao’s donation towards the entire panelling of the walls in the KCA Hall is to be appreciated. Dr. Patrao was unanimously elected the President of the Association at the 62nd AGM, held on April 13, 1975, as proposed by Dr. Fabian Fernandes for KCA’s Diamond Jubilee Year. Dr. Patrao gave an enthusiastic start to the KCA Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund to enable deserving students to pursue higher studies. Dr. Patrao was re-elected President at the AGM, held on December 11, 1977, in anticipation of the Centenary Year Celebrations (1978-1980) of St. Aloysius College, with Rev. Fr. Matthew Lewis S.J. as Rector. The entire Council of KCA was also re-elected, with Mrs. Kranti Farias as Hon. Secretary, and Mr. Louis Tauro as Hon. Treasurer.  Three programmes for fund raising were organised, the climax being the St. Aloysius College Centenary Ball on January 26, 1980. His dear wife, Aileen, who stood by him through thick and thin was a great support.  She, herself, had served several terms in the Managing Council of KCA.  Dr. Patrao was a good family man, strict yet benevolent with their seven children, all well placed in life.  He loved outdoor games, and loved golf in particular, and was the oldest and most active golfer in the city, having won many a trophies. Dr. Patrao was President of Dr. A L Nair Trust.  The Dean of B Y L Nair Hospital, Dr. M S Kekre called Dr. Patrao ‘the architect of the modern Nair Hospital’.  He formed a Trust for people affected with Hansen’s Disease (leprosy), and was its President.  The poor and the needy got treated at the Jane Patrao Charitable Hospital, which he started in memory of his mother at Moreland Road, Byculla. Dr. Patrao could not tolerate indiscipline and inefficiency.  Dr. Vaze, his former student, said he would snap at a mistake made, but would soon forget it.  The great doctor believed to make a mistake is understandable, but to repeat it was not forgivable.  On March 26, 1979, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, at a public function organised by the Bombay Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India, presided by the Committee President Mr. S K Patil, the Chief Guest Mr. Sadik Ali, Governor of Bombay, presented to Dr. Patrao an address in a silver casket, and a cheque of Rs. 50,000.  Here, a well wisher also donated Rs. 5,000.  Dr. Patrao said he would use the money to aid leprosy and other patients. At the celebration for his friends, Mr. Charles Mascarenhas, freedom fighter and comrade of M N Roy and a cousin of Dr. Patrao, compared him to Susrutha, the greatest surgeon of ancient India, in 6th Century B.C. The General Body of the KCA at its 65th AGM, held on February 27, 1983, unanimously passed a resolution to unveil the photo of Dr. Patrao at the function of January 29, 1984, during the tenure of the Presidency of Mr. Wilfred Tellis. Dr. Patrao’s passing away on November 12, 1988, was deeply mourned. We would do well to remember “God does not ask about our ability or our inability, but our availability”. (The Arkansas Baptist).   This is the hallmark of the life of Dr. Patrao – his availability to people around and about him!

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Gerald J (Gerry) Saldanha

By Joseph Saldanha “When I am in Bombay, I stare at the bottles, here in Goa, the bottles stare at me, says Presidency Magistrate from Bombay”, he told a newspaper reporter when visiting Goa in the prohibition era, which promptly appeared in the newspapers in Bombay.  It was, but an example of Gerry’s wit, and his outspokenness. G J “Gerry” Saldanha (1907-1984) was the President of the KCA in 1950-1951, Vice-President in 1963-1966, and President in 1966-1969. The son of Jerome Saldanha, a well-known judge, patriot, follower of Mahatma Gandhi, and MLC from Mangalore, Gerry studied at St. Aloysius College, and then at the Bombay Law College.  He practiced criminal law in Bombay and Poona.  He was a dynamic speaker, and as a young lawyer, appeared before the Privy Council in London in 1942.   In 1951, he was appointed Presidency Magistrate, and endeared himself with his humane approach to litigants and accused, with his fluent Pune Marathi, and his ever present wit lightened the courtroom atmosphere, and he was popular with the bar and the bench. At the KCA, he was, together with many supporters in Bombay and Mangalore, instrumental in raising money from well-known Mangalorean donors, as well as those of more modest means to take the KCA Hall and Yuvakalaya Hostel in Bandra from a dream to a reality.  With backing from the community, at his instance, the KCA took on debt, which was paid off over time.  He was undaunted by the magnitude of the task before him because he was not one to be deterred by challenges.  By sheer determination, dedication, and hard work, he guided the KCA in achieving its goal.  Today, the KCA Hall is a gathering place that the community can call its own, and Yuvakalaya is a place for young men, from different parts of the country, to start and advance their career. His love for open space made him an active member of the ‘Save Bombay’ and ‘Save Bandra’ campaigns, and he succeeded in getting the intervention of Indira Gandhi in stopping an International Banking Institute from coming up on the waterfront of Carter Road in Bandra. He was an ardent supporter of the Agnel Ashram and Technical Institute in Bandra, serving on its Board of Governors.  He supported the Ashram through its difficult times, securing again the support of Indira Gandhi, who memorably, once had her motorcade diverted from its originally planned route, in order to visit the Ashram. He helped a number of co-operative societies in Bombay, Mahabaleshwar, and Nasik.  The Belmont Society in Mahabaleshwar, later named a road after him in their Society. But most of all, he is remembered for his willingness to help people from all classes, religions, and communities who came to his house daily for help and guidance on legal, personal, and family matters, free of cost.  His simplicity, sincerity, dignity, and willingness to speak up for the downtrodden is what is most remembered of Gerald J Saldanha. His children, Joseph Saldanha and Elizabeth Tilak, now in Canada and the United States, thank Eric D’Sa and the KCA for remembering Gerald J Saldanha.                      

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Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez MD, JP.

By Dr. Kranti K. Farias  Alexander Smith has said, “the great man is the man who does a thing for the first time”.  This is who a ‘pioneer’ is.  In this issue, we will see the vision and foresight of the founder of our Association, who was not what we call a Mangalorean, for he was Goan, hailing from Honawar, North Kanara, but was the founder of the Kanara Catholic Association, Bombay!  This was the Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez I.M.S. who became the first President of the Association (1901-05). The Major was born on November 7, 1867 in Goa.  His father Dr. Bartholomeo Fernandez was the most renowned Ayurvedic Physician of his time, living in Honawar, North Kanara, and whose illustrated treatise in Kanarese is still in use.  The Major had his higher education in St. Xavier’s College, Bombay; passed his L.M.& S. from Grant Medical College, Bombay, and proceeded to Europe for higher studies.  He secured his M.D. in 1893 from Brussels with the highest honours.  There he had the privilege of meeting and dining with H. H. Edward VII who was pleased to note that the young man had topped the list of MD’s.  His services to society  He returned to India and was appointed Head of the Skin Department of J. J. Hospital, and Professor of Dermatology at Grant Medical College.  These posts he held for three and a half decades.  He was without a peer in the world of dermatology.  He was also Consultant Physician to Bombay Governors, eminent citizens which included Maharajahs, Mahatma Gandhi , Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and Pandit Madan Malaviya.  Psychiatry was another of his acquisitions.  Dr. Fernandez secured a commission in the Indian Medical Service during the First World War, and was placed in charge of the Marine Lines War Hospital with the rank of Major.  During the plague, he devoted himself selflessly to medical relief. He also took a prominent part in the public life of the city and was a member of the Municipal Corporation of Bombay from 1919-1925.  He was the first Catholic member of the Bombay Legislative Council.  He was a Justice of Peace, and an Honorary Presidency Magistrate.  He was elected to the Senate of the University of Bombay, the Bombay Medical Council, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bombay.  He was a Founder and Trustee of the Catholic Gymkhana and Founder-President of the Kanara Catholic Association.  The Dr. C. Fernandez Co-operative Credit Society in Honawar was started in 1930, after his munificent deposit of Rs. 3,000 free of interest.  His life was dedicated to the service of humanity irrespective of caste and creed. His work for the Kanara Catholic Association The Major was soon to realize that the North and South Kanarites who were the later immigrants into Bombay, the Goans being the first among the Catholics to do so, should have support in Bombay especially as these were now pouring in from areas south of Goa.  A need was felt to knit the community together.  This community comprised of those who had migrated to Bombay for jobs and professions like their counterpart the Goans.  Many took up jobs as domestic servants, cooks, waiters, taxi drivers etc.  They became members of one of the “clubs” at a nominal fee of Rupees Two per month and ate in the community kitchen.  They picked up new skills and educated themselves in the ‘night schools’ and soon began to own taxis, laundries, restaurants, garages, and pan beedi shops.  Others who were better educated went on to taking up other superior trades and professions.  They lived mainly in the Byculla area.   Soon money was being remitted to Kanara and a “money order economy” was developing in North and South Kanara. As the numbers grew and family life seen with marriages taking place, there was a need to bring the Mangaloreans together.  There were about 400 Mangalorean Catholics then in Bombay.  With this need envisioned by him, he founded an association to bring together people from the two Kanaras, who had settled in Bombay, and so the Kanara Catholic Association (K.C.A.) was founded on February 17, 1901 with 50 Members on its rolls.  The Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez I.M.S. was its first President, while F.L. Silva was its first Secretary.  The aims and objectives of the Association was to foster a spirit of unity, friendship and self-help among the members to provide facilities for their periodical meetings for social and other purposes; the organisation of relief and assistance for the uplift of the community.  In short, it was a socio-economic organisation, with “Vis Unita Fortior” as its motto.  Membership to the Association was made selective, it being open only to the people from the better educated class and the upper strata of the community. The Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez’s services were found so invaluable that he was elected President for two successive years after his first term, and then again from 1916 to 1919, and yet again in 1926, thus giving him the Presidential Chair for eight years.  He launched the Association, guided it well for some years and truly anchored the “ship” with his self-giving. The Majors’ wife Leocadia Annalia da Rocha was of the aristocratic family of Quitula, Aldona, Goa.  They had four daughters and seven sons.  Truly a good Catholic couple.  His son-in-law Dr. A.C. Rebello, a Mangalorean who was also to become well known was the first Dermatologist of the K.E.M. Hospital, from its inception in 1926.  The Major passed away on July 30, 1943.  Today, we have his grandson Dr. Rui Fernandez following in the family tradition as Chief Dermatologist at K.E.M.Hospital and the Holy Family Hospital.  The illustrious career of Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez can be summed up in the words of Sir Narayan Chandavarkar, the first Speaker of the Bombay Legislative Council, “The Major is the doyen of Indian Medicine, the Prince of Physicians and a great leader of men”. References 1. Personal interviews with Mrs. Helen Saldanha, Robin Saldanha, Drs. Rui & Armida Fernandez – direct family of the Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez.2. Robin Saldanha, “Remembering The Fernandez’s”, The Examiner (Bombay), Vol.147, No.48. November 30, 1996. pp. 16,17.3. The Mangalorean-Golden Jubilee Souvenir 1933-1983. (Published by S.M. D’Souza, Bombay).4. KCA Diamond Jubilee Souvenir, 1901-1976, Bombay,1976.5. Minutes of the KCA General Body & Managing Council Meetings.

Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez MD, JP. Read More »

Ronnie Mendonca

Former Police Commissioner, Mumbai  Profile by Dr. Jeanette Pinto Mumbai is generally a peaceful city, barring an occasional flare-up.  There was a time when organised crime and ISI activities had peaked in the metropolis.  At a critical juncture like this there emerged a man of stature in the person of Mr. Ronnie Mendonca, to serve as Mumbai’s Police Commissioner.  He effectively led 40,000 Officers and men of Mumbai Police Commissionerate and brought the situation under control.  He graced the Office of the Police Commissioner Mumbai in the rank of Director General of Police from August 21, 1997 to May 5, 2000 never allowing any scandal to taint it. The Catholic community had relatively quite a number of luminaries in the Civil Services of the Government of India or the States.  Sadly today, our youth are not attracted to the Services.  Mr. Mendonca, a Mangalorean, excelled in the Indian Police Service. Ronnie, son of William and Magdalene, was born on September 11, 1941 in Kundapur.  He had six siblings, four brothers and two sisters.  His entire family today are of sweet memory.  He was raised in Kallianpur and attended Milagres High School.  He graduated in Zoology with distinction from Bombay University, and was recipient of Shantaram Dabholkar prize.  After his Masters in Marine Zoology, he joined the Indian Police Service. His service highlights are impressive.  In Maharashtra, he headed the Police Force in five districts as Superintendent of Police and as Commissioner of Police – in Nagpur, Thane, and Mumbai respectively.  He headed the Mumbai City Crime Branch, and served in the Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, as Director and also as Joint Secretary (1987-1995).  He also headed the Maharashtra State C.I.D Crime Department.  During his last posting as Director Anti-Corruption Bureau Maharashtra State (2000-2001), many traps were conducted successfully and several senior government officers including one Additional Commissioner of Police were booked.  It is recorded that his outstanding commitment, courage, hard work and loyalty made him successful.  This is an inspiration to our young generation. Mr. Mendonca’s family consists of his wife Clotilda Rita, born and brought up in Dharwar.  She is a retired lecturer in Sociology.  The couple have two children, a daughter Rashmi married to Arthur da Gama, and a son Vinay, married to Suzanne Menezes.  Both children are bankers in London.  Ronnie and Rita are blessed with three grandchildren Neil, Ronit and Rahul. After retirement, Mr. Mendonca worked on several Committees.  He was member of the Civil Service Reforms Committee, Government of India; and served as a member of the Maharashtra State Security Committee.  He is a Trustee of the Mumbai Mohalla Committees and Maharashtra Governor’s nominee in the Managing Committee of the King George V Memorial Infirmary. He is a linguist knowing Hindi, English, Marathi, Kannada, Konkani and the dialect Tulu.  He prides in his mother tongue and participates at all Konkani functions. Addressing a gathering of around 3,000 people at Shanmukananda Hall, Matunga, on October 23, he appealed to the Bhasha Mandal to work towards having one script for the language.  He relaxes playing the harmonica, gardening and trekking. When asked what made him join the Police Force, he said that he was fascinated by the uniform as a boy scout and as a NCC Cadet.  He had a romance with uniformed services which drew him into the Indian Police Service.  He appeared at the UPSC exam for the IPS and simultaneously completed his M.SC.  He remarked, “I could not have made a better choice.  The Indian Police Service is a daunting and challenging one, but it provided me a good career and gave me an opportunity to help people in distress, serve the community and the nation with the authority of law invested in me”. Ronnie Mendonca has received many accolades.  He is Recipient of the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service, and commended for bravery by the Government of India.  In 2000, he received the outstanding Konkani Award presented by Dr. T.M.A Foundation, Manipal. Surely, the Kanara Catholic community is proud of you, Mr. Mendonca!

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Guidelines for Member Correspondence & Visits to the KCA

The Managing Council has issued Guidelines for Member Correspondence & Members visiting the KCA which are given below.    These guidelines are also available in downloadable format at the bottom of this page and were published in the Jan-Mar 2018 issue of Amchi Khobor Members are requested to adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smoother & more efficient administration of the Institution. 1: Guidelines for Member Correspondence1. Members may send their Correspondence via e-mail at; you can also send letters to our Administrative Office at:        KCA Hall & Hostel        Yuvakalaya        Veronica Road        Bandra (West)         Mumbai 400 0502. Please mention your Full Name, KCA Membership No., Postal Address & Contact No. in your e-mail / letter.3. Receipt acknowledgements will be sent by the Member Relations Manager to all e-mails.4. The Member Relations Manager will review the correspondence & forward the same to the Hon. Secretary & other office bearers for further action; routine queries for information will be responded to by the Member Relations Manager.5. If the matter is deemed important, the office bearers will discuss the same at the Managing Council meetings before a response is provided; other matters will be responded to by the Hon. Secretary after the same is discussed with the other office bearers.6. All complaints will be looked into by the office bearers / Managing Council. Please give adequate time for your complaints to be looked into before a response is provided.7. When sending e-mails, please do not copy the e-mails to persons not connected with the matter at hand. You are off-course free to subsequently forward the e-mail to whomsoever you wish to.8. Any e-mails or letters with complaints or allegations should be backed by adequate proof or supporting documents; kindly avoid using accusatory or derogatory language against any individual. Please note that defamation is now a serious offence in India and the KCA will not be party to any letters or e-mails which defame an individual without basis or proof.9. Response to e-mails will be sent only to the Sender by the Member Relations Manager; responses by letters will be sent only to the Sender on the letterhead of KCA duly signed by the Hon. Secretary.  2. Guidelines for Members Visiting the KCA Premises 1. Members are free to visit the premises of KCA Yuvakalaya for using its various sports & other facilities 2. Members may note the timings of the KCA Administrative Office are 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM (Monday – Saturday); with a lunch break from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. 3. Members are requested to visit the KCA Administrative Office only for any enquiries pertaining to ‘Member Activities’ (Cultural Events) or ‘Community Services’ (Hostel Enquiries, Hall Bookings, Sports, Financial Assistance). 4. For security & other reasons, Members are not permitted to enter the Young Men’s Hostel which is on the third floor of the building. 5. Members are encouraged to respect the sanctity of the premises, and are encouraged to refrain from interfering with the rights, comforts or convenience of the Patrons using the community halls, sports facilities, or any facilities for which the Patrons are present in the premises of KCA. 6. Please interact with the KCA Staff with respect, courtesy, and politeness, whilst at the same time, adhering to the purpose of the business at hand. 7. The Staff of KCA are not authorized to share any papers, documents, information, etc., with Members,which may be deemed confidential or which is not available in the public domain (i.e., KCA Website, Amchi Khobor Newsletter, Charity Commissioner’s Office etc), unless authorized in writing, by the Managing Council. 8. Please refrain from engaging Staff or Patrons of KCA with unsolicited comments, verbal allegations or complaints, which bring disrepute to the KCA and the community which it represents 9. All grievances or complaints to be submitted in writing or through e-mails for which separate ‘Guidelines for Member Correspondence’ are applicable.

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Vol 2, Issue 1: Apr-Jun 2017

The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   Please view or download your copy from below The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   Please view or download your copy from below The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   Please view or download your copy from below check this link right here now The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   Please view or download your copy from below The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   Please view or download your copy from below The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   Please view or download your copy from below The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017. The Apr-Jun 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member and former Vice-President of the Association, at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner celebration, held on April 22, 2017.   Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below

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Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner 2017

April 22, 2017  “Life has a way of constantly coming at us.  Day, hours, and moments are filled with urgent demands requiring our immediate attention.  When the demands of life leave us rushing from place to place with scarcely a moment to spare, we may fail to pause and thank our Creator for His gifts.  But, whenever we neglect to give proper thanks to the Father, we suffer because of our misplaced priorities.“ The Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner, on April 22, 2017, was well attended by more than 200 Members, their families, friends, and children at the premises of KCA, Mumbai.  It served as a time for remembrance and communal thanksgiving, an opportunity for our community to come together in fellowship, invoke reflection of gratitude, and celebrate the many blessings this community institution, in the past and present, has bestowed upon its community of Members. The Mass, a solemn act of thanksgiving, was celebrated by our KCA Member, Bishop Percival Fernandez, who in his homily, elaborated upon the broader significance of thanksgiving, and stressed to those in attendance, the call to fight forces of disunity and disharmony, to sink personal differences in the larger interest of the institution and its community, to work ceaselessly within and outside the community, to be torch bearers of peace, communal harmony, and solidarity in taking forward this 116 year old institution. At the conclusion of the Thanksgiving Mass, the President of KCA, Mumbai, Mr. Sunil Alva gave a brief presentation highlighting the initiatives and progress by the Managing Council.  Since the new team was elected in October 2015, 18-months into its 3 year-term, April 2017 marked an apt moment to do a ‘mid-term review’.  He provided a 360-degree review of the various aspects of our institution, including the work of the sub-committees, the community services run by the KCA as well as other aspects like our newsletter / website, legal / finance matters, building repairs and other organizational matters. He reiterated the commitment of this Managing Council to the philosophy of transparency, and vision to further enhance the outreach, credibility, and reputation of the Association.  He encouraged members to provide suggestions and come forward to help in making the Association relevant to the needs and demands of the current times, whilst also respecting its rich culture, heritage, and history. Bishop Percival Fernandez inaugurated and blessed the ‘Sports and Fitness Centre’, in the presence of the Managing Council, the Sports Sub-Committee, and those in attendance at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner.  Sports & Fitness is launched as another Community Service of the KCA, thereby, expanding to members and others, the offerings of a well-equipped Fitness Centre, badminton, table tennis, carrom, scrabble, yoga, dance etc., with the hope that this ‘Sports and Fitness Centre’ will be an asset for those aspiring to further their sporting ambitions as well as those who simply want to keep fit! (For more details on the Sports & Fitness Centre, click here) In keeping with the spirit of thanksgiving, and showing gratitude to the stalwarts of our community and institution, a floral tribute was paid to the portrait of our Founder President, Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandez MD, JP., by Mrs. Helen Saldanha, Ms. Christine Saldanha, Mr. Robin Saldanha, Dr. Rui Fernandez (direct family members of the Founder President) and Dr. Kranti Farias.  A literary tribute, by Dr. Kranti Farias, to the life, works, and contribution of the Founder President to this institution and community is featured in the latest issue of the ‘Amchi Khobor’. The latest issue of ‘Amchi Khobor’, our quarterly newsletter, which carries useful and interesting information about our community, our history and our heritage, besides updates on happenings at KCA, Mumbai, was released by Mr. Neville Mascarenhas, Senior Member of the KCA and former Vice-President of the Association.   You can download the latest issue of Amchi Khobor by clicking here  The Music Band ‘Two Girls and a Guitar’, kicked off the merriment for the evening with their live performance, vocal and dancing skills, and plethora of beautiful songs; encouraging the gathering to sing and dance along!  There was much singing, dancing, bonhomie and fun, with the crowd soaking in the atmosphere of an evening filled with camaraderie and fellowship. As the evening wore on in celebration, it was time to partake in the traditional Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.  Dr. Kranti Farias led the gathering in the Grace before Meals, and counters were set up where beverages and a banquet consisting mainly of Mangalorean delicacies was served.  Ms. Jessie Vaz, Managing Council Member, proposed a Vote of Thanks. The Cultural and Recreation team takes this opportunity to express its appreciation to all those who took time away from their busy schedules, to be a part of this annual event at KCA, Mumbai, for the presence of each and every one made the evening truly memorable.  May the spirit of thanksgiving rest with each of you and the true essence of this joyful occasion transcend your lives, your family, your home with countless blessings and happiness. Cultural and Recreation Team  

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Welcome New Members : March 2017

We welcome the following new Members of the KCA !  Their Application Forms were scrutinized and approved at a Meeting of the Balloting Committee on February 25, 2017.   The decision of the Balloting Committee was then ratified at the Meeting of the Managing Council on March 11, 2017.  1.    Vincent Barnes2.    Julie L Cardoz3.    Timothy J C Coelho4.    Lawrence Coelho5.    Nelson S D’Souza6.    Kevin R D’Mello7.    Calvin F D’Souza8.    Francis A D’Souza9.    Errol D’Silva10.  Denis D D’Costa11.  Ornella C D’Souza12.  Marie E P Diniz13.  Mariola P R D’Souza 14.  Oriston D D’Souza15.  Cyril A Fernandes    16.  Joseph M Joy17.  Maxwel J Mascarenhas18.  Reynold Mascarenhas19.  Melroy Menezes20.  Olga Menezes21.  Amelia Mascarenhas22.  Clare Mascarenhas23.  Kevin B J Nazareth24.  Premita M Pinto25.  Vinod Rasquinha26.  Jonathan G Seldon

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Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA) Mumbai. 

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