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Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner 2017

Update:  The Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner, which was held at the KCA premises on Saturday, April 22, 2017, was well attended by 225 Members, their families, and friends.    Click here to read a report and view photographs of the function.   Event Announcement: The traditional Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner will be held at 6:00 PM on Saturday, April 22, 2017, at the Ground Floor Hall at the premises of KCA, Mumbai. The Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner is a time for remembrance and thanksgiving, an opportunity for our community to come together in fellowship, celebrate progress, and partake in constructive collaboration in taking forward this wonderful 115 year old community institution. The programme for the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner is as follows: 6:00 PM    Annual Thanksgiving Mass (Celebrated by Bishop Percival Fernandez) 7:00 PM    Presentation by the Managing Council 7:15 PM    Inauguration & Blessing of KCA Sports and Fitness Centre                   Release of the next issue of Amchi Khobor 7:30 PM    Snacks, Beverages and Live Music by ‘Two Girls and a Guitar‘ 9:00 PM    Fellowship Banquet (Mangalorean Cuisine and Delicacies)    Coupons for the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner are available at the KCA Administrative Office from April 5, 2017 to April 20, 2017. Rs. 200 (Members)Rs. 400 (Guests)Rs. 150 (Children between 5 to 12 years of age) Please note the cost of the Coupons covers refreshments and dinner.  Alcoholic beverages will be available at an additional cost at the venue. Bookings can also be made by calling the KCA Administrative Office at 2643 1584 / 2642 1037 or by sending an e-mail to Payments for the Coupons can also be made by Mobile Wallet (PayTM and FreeCharge) to the KCA Mobile Number 98694 58632.

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Lawrence Coelho

Publisher, The Secular CitizenProfile by Dr. Jeanette Pinto The Catholic community in Mumbai are familiar with ‘The Secular Citizen’ (TSC), a National Family Weekly, published by Mr. Lawrence Coelho.  The 24 page magazine celebrates twenty-five glorious years in the field of communication. Congratulations Mr. Coelho to your brainchild, commitment and dedication, to this magazine which provides a wide coverage on the Christian community.  It has a page devoted to Vox Populi (Voices of the People), which contains inspirational articles, updates of events, happenings in the Catholic Church, and a variety of articles, most of them written by well-known writers.  There is a mix of spiritual, social, inspirational, political, and secular news, as well as new trends in society.   The first issue, in magazine format, was published in April 1992.  This was preceded as a quarterly issue under the masthead of ‘The New Horizon’ in December 1991. Lawrence Coelho, the eldest child in the family hails from the village of Inna, belonging to the Belman Parish (now bifurcated and known as Mukamar Parish), Mangaluru. He has four siblings, three sisters and a brother.  The family was poor and lived very modestly, with his father being a taxi driver in Bombay, and mother, a home maker. Lawrence received his elementary education in Mangaluru, and completed his graduation in Bombay.  The other siblings were educated in Bombay. He did not have any special hobbies, but early in life, Lawrence was passionately involved in parish and diocesan activities.  He yearned for opportunities to involve in social outreach, and participated in church based initiatives.  Gradually, and single-mindedly, he focused on publications.  It gripped his imagination and, thereafter, publishing triggered his venture into entrepreneurship.  He saw the need of the Christian community to have a mouthpiece for community expression.  Thus, keen to fulfill this need through his publication, he was fired to start ‘The Secular Citizen’, and three years later, yet another venture in the establishment of ‘Divo’, a magazine in Konkani, which incidentally was earlier hand composed. Dr. Jeanette Pinto, Member of the Editorial Board of the Amchi Khobor News Magazine, visited the small cozy office of Mr. Coelho in South Bombay, and in her conversation with him, learnt he has no journalistic background.  Despite this, it is amazing, Mr. Coelho is the Founder-Owner-Publisher, all rolled in one.  His first Editor, was and is still, Philip Myaboo.  Lawrence takes personal interest in the selection, editing and collation of materials for each issue.  There are suitable attractive colour pictures, news and views, and matrimonial columns reaching out to the young community.  His miniscule dedicated team help in the layout and design of every issue, and the cover page is always attractive and eye catching. Mr. Coelho’s greatest support is his dear wife, Susan.  The simple unassuming couple works like two peas in a pod.  She looks into the subscriber’s lists, and the postal service is at her fingertips.  She personally and stoically supervises the dispatch of every issue of the two publications across the length and breadth of the country.  Lawrence says, “my wife’s dedication and involvement in the TSC, and its sister publication Divo, is to be greatly appreciated.  She represents the group at various events, and is the Public Relations Officer, and Finance Controller, too”.  He further adds, “we take decisions together”. On her part, Susan is very appreciative of her husband’s project, and supports him one hundred percent.  They trust and understand each other, and that really is, the secret of their success. Lawrence Coelho has also been generous in instituting awards and honouring achievers in various spheres of life.  Their awards are citations, floral bouquets, ceremonial shawls, and often times, a generous sum of money in cash.  Some of the awardees are Anthony Parakal (‘King of Letter Writers’), Mr. Marshall Sequeira (‘Writer of the Year’), and there are other awards for social and cultural meets.  TSC is now available in e-paper edition for online readers. The e-learning portal which is an online learning web-site is a great boost.  It offers help to develop skills for those interested in learning more about academic and corporate topics.  What more can a slim magazine offer? A thoroughbred Mangalorean, his message to Gen Next is, “don’t forget your roots, culture and traditions.  That is what binds us, if lost we will become extinct over time”.  Indeed, it is a matter of pride that a publication by a member of the Kanara Christian community has reached its 25th milestone, whereas some others have gone into hibernation along the way.  Lawrence, a self-made person, still harbours a keen desire to introduce a daily newspaper, and by the grace of God, may his dream come true. The KCA is proud of both of you, Lawrence and Susan.  You are indeed an inspiration to our young generation to understand that hard work, focus, and dedication to a cause are the keys to success.  

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Allen C A Pereira

Former Chairman and Managing Director, Bank of Maharashtra Profile by Dr. Jeanette Pinto Allen C A Pereira was born in Mangaluru on September 16, 1950, and completed his education from St. Aloysius College, having graduated in History and Economics.  He earned a Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) specializing in Labour Welfare and Industrial Organization from the University of Mysore in 1972. He joined Syndicate Bank as a Probationary Officer at Manipal, and his career in this bank spanned 33 years, where he shouldered administrative and operational responsibilities, like Personnel Administration and Industrial Relations.  He was Visiting Faculty at the bank’s Apex and Regional Training Centres, and Manager of Branches in Goa and Delhi.   He gained vast experience in Agriculture and SME Finance, Retail Corporate and International Banking.  His career graph took him through various banking departments, and he soon climbed up the ladder to occupy the position of Chairman and Managing Director. He was Personnel Advisor in Indian Banks’ Association from 1999-2002 at Mumbai, and was closely associated with the work of IBA’s HRM Committee for Public Sector Banks. During this period, he also functioned as the CEO of Banks’ Sports Board.  In 2006, he moved over to the Oriental Bank of Commerce, with its headquarters at Delhi, as the Executive Director.   In June 2008, he took over leadership of the Bank of Maharashtra as its Chairman and Managing Director, and superannuated on September 30, 2010.  After superannuation in 2010, he took over the reins of the National Institute of Bank Management set-up by the RBI and Banks of Pune. Impressed with his profile, Allen was asked the secret of his success, and his reply was “I could not have achieved all this without self-discipline and hard work.  I was fair and firm in all my dealings, and had no hierarchical barriers between me, my peers, and my juniors.”  He also suggested that he stood for his convictions, took on responsibility, was transparent and made speedy decisions, whenever needed. With such a glowing career, Allen has done the Mangalorean community proud.  After retirement, he returned to his roots, and is now living in Kulshekar, Mangaluru.  He is invited to be a member of various organizations.  He is Vice-President of the Konkani Language and Cultural Foundation World Konkani Centre, Shakti Nagar, Mangaluru.  He also holds advisory positions in several institutions of learning in Mangaluru and Manipal. Allen was a good athlete in school, and also played hockey, cricket, table tennis and badminton.  His hobbies are philately, music, reading; and he loves nature. His late father, William Peter Pereira, was ex Q.P.C. at Doha, Qatar.  His mother, Bridget Angeline (nee Rego), was a well-known social worker, active in vocational training for women.  She was Founder of the first Mahila Mandal in Kulshekar, recognised as one of the best in Karnataka.  Allen’s wife, Eveline, former lecturer at KMC Manipal, and a medical social worker is enjoying her sunset years.  Their son, Angelo, a Post Graduate in Electronics from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, is working as Manager (Research and Design) at Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, USA; and their daughter, Angeline, a Graduate from MIT Manipal is working as an Associate Consultant with TCS, Mumbai. Allen C A Pereira has been appreciated by various organizations for his excellent leadership.  He was awarded the Vishishta Kannadiga Award 2007 from Karnataka Sangha, Delhi, in recognition of his contribution to the field of Banking; TMC Excellence Award in March 2010 from the top Management Consortium, Pune; Rotary Award for Professional Excellence 2008-2009 from Rotary International District 3050 / Ahmedabad; Eminent Aloysius Award 2014 presented by the St. Aloysius College Alumni Association; and The New Year 2016 Award for outstanding services to the society by the Manipal University and Syndicate Bank. Truly, he is a wonderful leader for our aspiring Generation Next, to imitate. His message to young people is “if one is passionate about touching people’s lives, and making themselves self-reliant, the banking profession offers a great number of opportunities”.  He proudly claims that the best achievement in life is to be a good human being, and credits his parents for having taught him valuable unforgettable lessons. We are proud of you, Allen C A Pereira.  May your life be an inspiration to many of our young people in Amchi Mumbai.   

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Harold D’Souza

Sep 8, 1939 – Nov 4, 2016 KCA, Mumbai, regretfully announces the passing away of another Senior Member of the KCA Council, former Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Harold D’Souza, aged 77, on 4th November, 2016. Harry, as he was known to his friends, served the Association as Hon. Treasurer from 1970 to 1976, and then on the Managing Council.  Especially, at a time when KCA, Mumbai, was going through a testing period with regards to funds and resources, he was of great support in stabilizing the work of the KCA as a Trust, along with his mentor, Mr. Gerald J Saldanha. Harold D’Souza practiced as an Advocate in the High Court at Bombay till he moved to Mangalore, his home town.  He again returned to Mumbai, and continued to render honorary service to the Catholic community in his Parish, Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chembur.  He was a man known for his simplicity and carried well his conduct as a good Christian. The funeral service was attended by a large number of friends and associates in the legal field. KCA, Mumbai, extends its deepest sympathies and condolences to his wife, Dorothy, and daughters, Roshan and Diana, and their family.

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Christmas Cheer 2016

December 18, 2016 The premises at KCA was beautifully lit and decorated with traditional Christmas tree, decorations, and a crib (or creche) of the nativity of Baby Jesus.  The atmosphere was filled with excitement, the mood was celebratory, and there was eager anticipation for the arrival of Members, their families, friends and children for an evening of fun, fellowship, and celebration with Santa, Christmas Carols, and Christmas Kuswar – to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus and to foster the spirit of Christmas in the community. Members, their families, friends and children entered the premises with smiles and enthusiasm, and made their way to the Christmas tree, where everyone helped themselves to Santa caps placed at the foot of the Christmas tree.  There was an air of awe and amazement as children accompanied by their parents moved around the premises marvelling at the Christmas tree, the crib, and the Christmas star which hung over the entrance gate, with many taking the opportunity to pose for photographs with their loved ones and friends. Wilfred Fernandes’ six piece brass band playing joyous Christmas music welcomed Santa coming down the Mangalore Tile Factory Chimney, and Santa greeted the excited and vociferous children, with gifts and sweets.  Santa, surrounded with children and parents, led by the six piece brass band, danced with children around the premises, and gathered them around the Christmas tree.  Santa along with our Member – Compere Rolin Furtado further livened the atmosphere with community carol singing, merriment, dance and games.  Special snack boxes and Christmas Kuswar was then served to Members, their families, friends and children, as they gathered seated around the Christmas tree savouring the contents of Christmas Kuswar, and soaking the ambience and festivity of the evening.   The gathering then moved to the Ground Floor Hall, which was beautifully decorated in a Christmas theme – courtesy the hours and expertise of our Hon. Treasurer Mr. Vernon Alvares.  The celebrations in the Ground Floor Hall was helmed by Rolin Furtado and one-man band cum DJ Kenneth Joseph, who enthralled the audience with his vocal skills, dishing out old tracks and songs of Christmas, encouraging the audience to sing along with rapture and collective enthusiasm.  Soon, folks moved to the dance floor, some broke into their own version of bollywood dancing, whilst others waltzed, and the highlight was the ‘Penguin Dance’ with everyone participating in this enormously popular dance move – the conga line, the hokey pokey, the bunny hop, etc,. As part of the Christmas Cheer function, the third issue of ‘Amchi Khobor’, the news magazine of KCA, Mumbai, was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA.  This issue of the ‘Amchi Khobor’ carries a special message from the Managing Council of KCA – a message of gratitude and reflection for the year gone by, and a time of hope and expectation for the year ahead.   In the midst of the celebration, Rolin Furtado held a quiz for the audience to challenge their intellect about Christmas, and many children and their parents participated in the quiz, with spot prices awarded to the winners.  As others continued to dance, sing, and enjoy the ambit of songs being played, counters were set up where beverages and sumptuous freshly prepared dinner was served to Members, their families, friends and children. The President of KCA, Mumbai, Mr. Sunil Alva, ended the evening with a vote of thanks, and words of encouragement – a message to continue working ardently in fostering a spirit of union, of constructive collaboration in taking forward this wonderful 115 year old community Institution.  He further acknowledged the contribution of Ms. Clara Menezes (Vice-President of the Association), Mr. Vernon Alvares (Hon. Treasurer of the Association), Mr. Eric D’Sa (Managing Council member) and most importantly, the KCA Staff, for bringing Christmas Cheer to the Members, their families, friends and children of KCA. Cultural and Recreation Team 

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Vol 1, Issue 3: Jan-Mar 2017

The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   Please view or download your copy from below The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   Please view or download your copy from below The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   Please view or download your copy from below The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   Please view or download your copy from below The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   Please view or download your copy from below The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   Please view or download your copy from below The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016. The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016. The Jan-Mar 2017 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, a community stalwart and past Vice-President of KCA, Mumbai, at the Christmas Cheer 2016 celebration, held on December 18, 2016.   link Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below

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Yuvakalaya Hostel – Update

For the past 47 years, the Yuvakalaya Hostel in Bandra has been a home away from home for young men coming to study or work in the city of Mumbai, irrespective of caste or creed. Accommodation is available on a first-come, first-served basis at a subsidized cost of Rs 6,000/- per month. Mess facilities & meals are also made available at a nominal additional cost. Application forms are available at the KCA office and can also be downloaded from the KCA website by clicking here

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Launch of Educational & Medical Assistance Programmes

The Social & Charitable Sub-Committee is pleased to announce the launch of Educational & Medical Assistance for those in need. This initiative is another example of KCA’s commitment to the less fortunate & reinforces the charitable nature of our institution. Application forms are available at the KCA office and can also be downloaded from the KCA website by clicking here  A transparent process with guidelines & eligibility criteria have also been explained on the website. Filled-up application forms with supporting documents can be submitted to the KCA Administrative Office.

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Contribution to Sister Christobel’s Trust, Mumbai (Medical Relief, Mumbai)

Sr. Christobel’s Trust (Mother Teresa’s Roses’) is a registered Charitable Trust, working for the upliftment of the poor, rescuing homeless children and women from the streets, and providing for their medical treatment, food, clothing, shelter, etc., including free education for children up to Class XII.    The Social and Charitable Sub-Committee, in consultation with the Managing Council of KCA, Mumbai, decided to make a contribution of Rs 50,000 to Sr. Christobel’s Trust to enable them to provide for the care & medical treatment of homeless children.

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Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA) Mumbai. 

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