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Jan 2016: Revocation of Suspensions

One of the first tasks undertaken by the Managing Council, was looking into the matter of suspension of 58 members of the Association.  In October & November 2015, the new Managing Council had received various representations from the suspended members to look into the matter & if deemed fit, to revoke the suspensions. At it’s council meeting in November 2015, two senior members of the Managing Council, Mr Christopher Rego & Mr Neville Mascarenhas were appointed by the Council to assist the Hon Secretary, Mr Praveen Pereira to study the matter in detail & provide its findings within 3 months.  This ‘mass suspension’ was unprecedented in the history of the KCA, and the team appointed was also asked to provide recommendations to the Managing Council on further steps to be taken.  In January 2016, the 3-member team submitted a detailed report with it’s findings & recommendations.  A summary of the report is as follows: 1 Member – suspended in Nov 2007; member went to court challenging the suspension & won the case via judgement delivered on October 19, 2015. Suspension to be revoked immediately. 1 Member – suspended in Oct 2008; several unsubstantiated charges were made against the member, the opportunity of being heard by the General Body as per Rule 5(a) of KCA Rules & Regulations was not afforded; monetary demands, for which there is no provision in the Rules & Regulations, were also made from the member in an arbitary manner. Suspension to be revoked immediately as due procedure was not followed & principles of natural justice were denied to the member 56 other members were issued Show Cause Notices in October 2010 & subsequently suspended soon thereafter; these members consisted of 3 groups A: 37 members who replied to the Show Cause Notice within 1-month; replies deemed unsatisfactory and suspended in November 2010  B: 9 members who did not reply to the 1st Show Cause Notice, were sent revised Show Cause Notices in October 2010, and replied to the revised show-cause within 1-month; replies deemed unsatisfactory and suspended in December 2010 Recommendations for Group A & B was for suspensions to be revoked immediately as due procedure (of having their matters placed before the General Body as per Rule 5(a) was not followed & principles of natural justice were denied to the member C: 10 members who did not reply to the 1st Show Cause Notice, were sent revised Show Cause Notices in October 2010 & did not reply to the revised show-cause as well; these members were also suspended in December 2010 Recommended that since the above members did not respond to the Show Cause Notices, the Council writes to each of the members concerned & ask for their response. The Council would then consider the matter on merits & decide on the revocation of their suspension if found fit.  The Managing Council at it’s meeting on January 24, 2016 unanimously accepted the findings & recommendations of the Report & noted with sadness that such a large number of members were made to suffer for several years.  Suspensions were revoked, & the Managing Council welcomed the suspended members back to the KCA

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Oct 2015: KCA Elections

The Elections for the office bearers of the KCA was held on October 4, 2015, after a long gap of 8 years.  The Elections were held on the orders of the Deputy Charity Commissioner, based on an application filed by our member, Mr Leslie D’souza.   In point 8 of the judgement, the Deputy Charity Commissioner mentions that she ‘persuaded both parties to settle the dispute amicably so that the Trust can function for the beneficiaries without any hindrance’.  In the order the previous Council, was asked to, with the help of Mr D’souza, prepare the list of members/voters and conduct the elections in he presence of the Inspector from the Charity Commissioner’s office  The Managing Council would like to thank Mr Leslie D’souza for his efforts, and ensuring that free and fair elections were conducted.  The Managing Council would also like to thank the other members who worked closely with & assisted Mr D’souza, under the banner of ‘Save KCA’, and acknowledges their unsparing efforts to resolve the impasse that persisted for 6 years.    We record our appreciation of the following members: Mr Leslie D’souza Capt Edgar Sylva  Capt Hillary Cornelio (who passed away recently) Mr Sunil Rebello  Mr Richard D’souza  Mr Prashanth Pereira  Ms Joan Buckenham  Mr Henri Saldanha  Mr George Dass  Ms Yvonne Cornelio  Mr Loy Menezes  Mr Vivek Sylva The judgement of the Deputy Charity Commissioner, dated March 23, 2015, is attached here for the benefit of members. 

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2016 Board Exams: Congratulations!

Congratulations to Althea Martis (daughter of member Anil Martis) and Alisha Pais (daughter of member Sunita Pais) for their outstanding performance in the SSC exams!  Both Althea (91.2%) and Alisha (90.8%) are from St Joseph’s Convent School, Bandra We wish them every success in the years ahead! Requesting other members to let us know about the success of their children in the recently concluded Board Exams 

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Innaugural Housie Session

June 20, 2016  Housie@KCA was re-started after a gap of several years.   The Housie Sub-Committee, along with their dedicated team of member-volunteers, ably assisted by the KCA staff, conducted the session in a most professional manner.  An enjoyable time was had by members & their guests. Members may note that Housie@KCA is held every Monday evening for members & guests at the main KCA hall in Bandra (W).  

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Dr. Anil D’Cruz

Director, Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai Profile by Dr. Jeanette Pinto One of the most prominent and distinguished personalities among the Mangalorean community in Mumbai is Dr. Anil D’Cruz. He is the son of Joaquim D’Cruz and the late Cynthia nee (Fernandes) D’Cruz.  The D’Cruz family since the mid-fifties had settled in Delhi. Dr. D’Cruz and his four siblings – brothers Prem, Dilip, Vivek, and sister Vinita were raised in Delhi, and are presently all abroad holding very important positions in their fields of work.  Armed with a Jesuit education at St. Xavier’s School, Delhi, Dr. D’Cruz graduated from St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore in 1984 and went on to complete his Masters in General Surgery at the Mumbai University.  His wife, Dr. Manisha is a Pathologist, and his young sons, Rohan and Jason are building up their careers. Presently, Dr. D’Cruz is the Director at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India and Professor and Surgeon in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery.  He is also a Diplomate of the National Board, New Delhi.  In recognition of his professional standing in the field of Surgery, he was awarded the Honorary FRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons, London. To be heading the Tata Memorial Hospital is no mean task.  The hospital situated in Parel, Mumbai, is a Specialist Cancer Treatment and Research Centre, closely associated with the Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research, and Education in Cancer (ACTREC).  One of the fields of specialization of this hospital is in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (A.L.L).  The hospital claims to treat and cure 99% of A.L.L. patients.  This hospital is also one of the few in India to have a P.E.T. scanner. Every year, nearly 30,000 patients visit the clinics from all over India and neighbouring countries.  Nearly 60% of these cancer patients receive primary care, of which, over 70% are treated almost free of charge.  Over 1,000 patients daily attend the OPD, nearly 8,500 major operations are performed, and 5,000 patients are treated annually with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy.  The Tata Memorial Centre is the national comprehensive cancer centre for the prevention, treatment, education, and research in cancer, and is recognized as one of the leading cancer centres in this part of the world. As a youngster, Dr. D’Cruz enjoyed soccer and “playing the fool, little of everything”, he muses.  In leisure moments, he enjoys reading and listening to music – oldies and western classical songs.  Despite his hectic schedule, amazingly to has to his credit over 200 peers reviewed Publications and Chapters.  He is an Editor of a two-volume book on Head and Neck Surgery, and also to be released Manual of Clinical Oncology and Hamilton Bailey Clinical Signs.  He has delivered over 300 invited lectures and orations, and has been visiting Professor to several institutions, both nationally and internationally.  He is a member of the Editorial Board of Head Neck Journals, and also is a reviewer for several scientific national and international journals; indeed, he is constantly globetrotting. Dr. D’Cruz is a member of numerous professional bodies in India, namely, The Indian Society of Surgical Oncology, Association of Surgeons of India, Indian Society for Cancer Research, Indian Association of Surgical Oncology, Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology, and the Action Council for Tobacco Control. He inculcates in his students a high sense of dedication, enumerates many examples and adds: “the need to challenge the dogma is very important for a medical professional”.  He strongly feels that doctors must update themselves on medical research, and tailor their patience accordingly.  He also emphasized that students must go through the randomized control trials, otherwise known as evidence based medicine.  He says, “a good doctor is one who combines his clinical experience with best external evidence, which combines with research.” The Catholic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mangalore, in 2014 presented the Rachana Award to Dr. D’Cruz in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the medical profession, and to society.  At the Heroes of Healthcare International Lecture Series, Dr. D’Cruz advised GMU students: “to become a successful healthcare professional, the right attitude towards a patient is a must.”  His powerful concluding remarks were, “Knowledge comes from research.  You should be the doctors of the day than of the past.” The Mangalorean community is proud of you, Dr. D’Cruz.   

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Hilary Cornelio

Aug 3, 1949 – Mar 17, 2016 Tribute paid by Rohan Cornelio, Hilary’s son, in a Facebook post: In the weeks since dad passed away, we have had visits and calls of support from family and friends from across the world. The family would like to thank every one of you for your prayers, love and support. His passing has of course been very emotional for us all, but at the same time brought back beautiful memories of his life. People have recalled his humour and wit (that’s what Hilary meant), his generous hospitality, his constant quest to help people regardless of who they were. Not one to be put down by challenges, he took pride in the fact that he was a self-made man. He was proud of his roots, and that he came to Bombay wearing his infamous rubber slippers to rise-up in his career. Despite losing an eye, he worked hard, never making a big deal of it. When he was diagnosed with cancer, he carried on as normal, not wanting sympathy, but always looking at ways to keep busy and help people. Our mum has been his rock, ever courageous and by his side – they made a great tag team!  Making sure he had the best of care, mum has been the best partner he could have had. The support she has had over the last few months from family and friends has been incredible and we are so grateful for that. Dad has been our friend, our captain, our courage, our mentor and guide. His ship has sailed, on a final journey, but we are sure he’s looking down on us, wishing that we continue with what he taught us, bringing laughter, joy and continue to help everyone around us. Note from KCA:  Hilary passed away recently after a long illness.  The KCA was very dear to him & he served on the Managing Council & other sub-committees for many years.  Along with his wife Yvonne, Hilary has given tireless service to the KCA and was always available whenever called upon to help.

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Update of Member Database

Dear Members,   We are in the process of updating & computerising the member database. The objective is to have accurate, up-to-date information about out members which will help us to serve you better, communicate with you more effectively (through e-mail, SMS, whatsapp), and tailor our activities more specifically to your needs. We also request each of you members to do your bit for the environment, reduce the use of paper & help the KCA save on printing & postage costs by agreeing to receive communication from the KCA via e-mail  To those of you who have submitted the form to the office, a big thank you! To the others who have not yet done so, we request you tp please fill in the attached form & submit the same to the office.  You may also scan the signed form & e-mail the same to us at member.relations@kcamumbai.orgThank You Sd/-Managing Council, KCA Mumbai

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Note on St. Anthony’s League

The St Anthony’s League was set-up by the KCA in 1919 to lend greater focus to the charitable efforts of the Association. An excerpt from the Golden Jubilee Souvenir, 1951 reads as follows:“The year 1919 also saw the birth of the St. Anthony’s League founded to afford charitable relief to the poor and needy among the Catholics of Kanara, settled in Bombay and its suburbs. Besides dispensing a large amount in the shape of charity, the League then organized a needlework room, and a night school. Its existence and success was due largely to the selfless work of Mr. J. Pius Rego, who had left behind a monument of service for the poor and needy of the community” The complete Golden Jubilee Souvenir, 1951 can be downloaded from this page Note:The St Anthony’s League has not been in operation for several years now.  The current Managing Council has decided not to revive the ‘St Anthony’s League’ at this stage.  All charitable activities will be planned & managed by the Social & Charitable sub-committee. Accordingly, although Rule 25(b) of KCA Rules & Regulations require that the Chairperson of the St Anthony’s League be designated a Vice-President of the Association, the same is not applicable at this stage.  If & when the St Anthony’s League is revived, the Chairperson appointed at that time, will be the designated as Vice-President.

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Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA) Mumbai. 

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