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September 26, 2018/

At the Annual Thanksgiving Mass held in April 2018, the President of the KCA, Mr. Sunil Alva, personally thanked and appreciated the contribution of the Members of the Managing Council, the various Sub-Committees, and the KCA Staff, for the progress the KCA had made over the past 3 years.    …

September 8, 2018/

At the Annual Thanksgiving Mass held in April 2018, the President of the KCA, Mr. Sunil Alva, personally thanked and appreciated the contribution of the Members of the Managing Council, the various Sub-Committees, and the KCA Staff, for the progress the KCA had made over the past 3 years.    Clara…

May 9, 2018/

Special General Body Meeting (SpGM):  A Special General Body Meeting (SpGM) of the Members of the Kanara Catholic Association was held on July 8, 2017. Click here to read more about the SPGM of July 8, 2017.

May 9, 2018/

Annual General Meeting (AGM):  The 86th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Kanara Catholic Association was held on September 3, 2017. Click here to read more about the AGM of September 3, 2017.

December 10, 2016/

Annual General Meeting (AGM); The 85th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Kanara Catholic Association was held on September 25, 2016.   Click here to read more about the AGM of September 25, 2016.   

September 8, 2016/

Special General Body Meeting (SpGM); A Special General Body Meeting (SpGM) of the Members of the Kanara Catholic Association was held on August 28, 2016.   Click here to read more about the SpGM of August 28, 2016.   KCA News Magazine and KCA Website:The KCA News Magazine, titled Amchi Khobor, meaning ‘Our News’ and the…

June 26, 2016/

KCA News Magazine:   The KCA News Magazine is being re-started after a gap of several years (we are still trying to find out if it was published after 1941, which is the last year of which we have a record!).  An editorial board has been formed & preparations are on for a launch…

June 26, 2016/

New Sub-committees formed After the first function for members in more than 7 years, and the hectic efforts to complete the repair work before the Thanksgiving Mass, the momentum towards getting the KCA out of its hibernation gathered pace.  The Social & Charitable sub-committee and the Sports sub-committee were constituted & met for the first time.…

June 26, 2016/

There were 3 main issues which were debated by the Managing Council, before it decided to undertake extensive repairs & renovations in Feb-Mar 2016 The issue of the Repair Fund / 12A compliance as explained earlier in Feb 2016: Updates A statutorily required Structural Audit (required for all buildings more than 30 years…

June 26, 2016/

With the revocation of suspensions completed, many of the active members of the KCA came forward to offer their help & services to the Association.  The Managing Council sent out it’s first communication to members (the letter can be downloaded below), the Cultural & Recreation sub-committee was constituted & the Managing Council was…

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Luckily friends do ashamed to do suppose. Tried meant mr smile so. Exquisite behaviour as to middleton perfectly. Chicken no wishing waiting am. Say concerns dwelling graceful.


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She wholly fat who window extent either formal. Removing welcomed.

Founded in 1901, the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA) Mumbai. 

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