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Justice Mark S Noronha

By Dr. Kranti K Farias We have moved down the corridor, and when we have mulled over the thoughts, and the ways of our predecessors, we hope we have taken the path to follow their vision for a better tomorrow for our community in particular, and for the society, at large. I begin with a quote, as I usually do, from the Hadis “Truth leads to righteousness, and righteousness to heaven”.  Tagore cannot be outdone for he says, “All proofs of truth are credentials of relationship”. With these two thoughts on truth, we present to you another eminent personality, former President of the Kanara Catholic Association, Justice Mark S Noronha.  We are proud that we had as our President, and in our community a good Catholic, and one also well respected by the legal fraternity.  I have not dwelt upon his practice or his judgements, as this would take pages, but the fact that he was honoured and elevated goes to show the worth of the man. Mark Stanislaus Noronha, born on June 18, 1889, at Codialbail, Mangalore, was the youngest of seven children of Raymond Sylvester Noronha, and Helen Coelho.  His father was probably the first member of the community to earn the B.A. Degree, and who went on to be Assistant Inspector of Schools. Mark passed his B.A. from St. Aloysius College in 1909, standing first in the Presidency in Latin.  Mark Studied at St. Aloysius School, Mangalore, and then St. Aloysius College, and was a Prizeman in Elocution. He graduated in Arts, standing first amongst all candidates in the Madras Presidency, in the First Class, in Latin. His Career “The precepts of law are these : to live honorably, to injure no other man, to render every man his due”….Justinian. Mark then moved to Bombay, where he taught at St. Xavier’s High School, Dhobi Talao, while he studied and practiced law.  In 1914, he enrolled as an Advocate in the Bombay High Court on the Appellate Side, and 11 years later, on the grounds of distinguished merit, and without a qualifying exam, he was admitted by Sir Norman McLeod, the then Chief Justice, as an Advocate on the Original Side.  He had a distinguished judicial career.  In October 1928, he was appointed Judge of the Court of Small Causes, Bombay, and in 1944, he was elevated as Chief Judge of the Court of Small Causes Bombay. Personal Life                  Mark married Vida Mary Margaret Saldanha (daughter of Andrew and Avita Saldanha) on April 29, 1923.  They had seven children.  Tragedy struck his family thrice – his daughter Clover was killed in a road accident in 1928; he lost his wife Vida, at the young age of 27 in 1933, to renal failure just three months after delivering their youngest child Raymond.  His sister, Mary, who lived in Bangalore helped him in raising the three girls, and the three month old Raymond.  Two sons lived with him. His work for Kanara Catholic Association, Mumbai. “Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge, fitter to bruise, than to polish” – Anne Bradstreet.  His work for the KCA began as Secretary in 1913.  He was elected Vice-President in 1921; was elected President of the KCA on April 9, 1922; was on the Managing Council in 1923; elected as Vice-President in 1925, 1927, 1928, 1931, and 1932; thereafter elected President in 1936, 1937, 1938, and 1939.  The year 1937 had been one of turmoil as to the irregular mode of the conduct of elections, not having a secret ballot, and so opposed by a few Members.  However, the elections was passed by the House. It is to be noted that this was a time when many lady Members were admitted to the Association for the first time – 23 ladies out of 81 applicants at the AGM of May 2, 1937.  His term was one of new ideas.  There was a Publications Committee formed at this time, and Mark Noronha was the Founder Editor of “The Mangalorean Review”, a means by which to keep the community informed with news and views.  It was the monthly journal of the KCA, which was started in 1920 with Isidore Coelho as its Business Manager.  Mark Noronha was succeeded by Louis X Rego as Editor, and then by others who were competent Editors, too.  “The Mangalorean Review” was published till 1941, when due to the war, it was closed due to paucity of funds. It was in the period 1922 – 1924 that the Association came to be called “The Mangalorean Catholic Association”.  There was much disagreement on renaming it thus, especially expressed by the Hon’ble Dr. Major Cajetan Fernandes, Founder President, KCA, and by Robert Aranha.  The latter moved a Resolution to change the name back to Kanara Catholic Association, who had wanted the wider term “Kanara Catholic Association” to be applied to include the larger coastal Kanara area, as it was also the area in reference made by the Holy See.  After a heated discussion, the Members decided to continue the current name, and it was then that Dr. Fernandes and Marcel L Aranha, former Presidents, practically ceased to be Members of the Association. There was a proposal in 1939 to have a building for the Association, proposed by Ernest M Alvares at the AGM of February 19, 1939.  The Sub-Committee to be formed was for the plan, money, donations / gifts, etc., and it was resolved to donate a sum of Rs. 4,000 from the funds of the Association.  However, nothing much came of this plan. It is noted that Judge Mark Noronha was enthusiastic about sports, and charity, to the less fortunate in the community, and so the KCA Sports Club, and the St. Anthony’s League found sincere support.  The “Mark Noronha Cup” was an Award for literary activities.  Mrs. Alice Alvares, then Miss Alice Sequeira, won the “KCA Mark Noronha Cup” in 1937 for being “Best Lady Speaker” at the debate held by the KCA in 1937, “Should women be allowed to act on the

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Flavia Agnes

Co-Founder and Director of Majlis (Legal Centre for Women), and an eminent Indian Women’s Rights Lawyer  Profile by Dr. Jeanette Pinto Born in Bombay at the dawn of independence to Mangalorean parents, Flavia Agnes was raised by her maternal aunt in Mangalore.  The first tragedy struck on the eve of her SSC Exams, when her aunt died suddenly.  A few months later, her father passed away.  Her education stopped, and she joined her mother and sisters in Aden, Yemen, where she worked as a typist.  Political turmoil in Yemen in 1967 compelled the family to return to Mangalore. By then, her elder and younger sisters were married, and though just 20, it was now her turn.  The arranged marriage, to a highly successful executive, turned violent from the very first week.  It hit her like a tornado, she wanted it over, but soon realised there was no escape route.  With each pregnancy, the noose around her neck tightened, and she raised three children under the shadow of violence, while she says, “the Church authorities and the community looked the other way.” But she was determined to break this cycle of violence.  In her search for freedom, in 1980, she came across the fledgling women’s movement in Mumbai.  With the support of a few friends, she got the courage to walk out of the marriage, but it was an uphill task.  She persisted with courage and determination, and eventually became a women’s rights lawyer at 40. Since divorce was not an option for Christian women trapped in a violent marriage, she filed for judicial separation, but soon withdrew it as the case was going no where.  She was determined to build a movement to support victims of domestic violence, and evoke workable strategies to help them.  She pursued her education, and acquired a Law Degree in 1988.  Later, she completed her LL.M., and secured an M.PHIL from the National Law School, Bangalore, in 1997.  With this, she realised her dream of becoming a feminist legal scholar.  She had transformed herself from a victim of domestic violence to a renowned women’s rights lawyer.  Acclaimed as a pioneer of the women’s movement in India, Flavia has played an important role in bringing women’s rights to the forefront within the legal system, and in contextualizing issues of gender and identity. In 1990, she co-founded Majlis (which means assembly or gathering in Arabic), a legal and cultural resource centre, with its primary aim of providing access to justice to poor and marginalised women.  Since its inception, the all women team of lawyers and support persons has provided legal services to over 50,000 women across the class and religious divide.  Training the judiciary and the police, and creating awareness in schools, colleges, and community are important components of Majlis’ activities. After the 1992 communal riots in Mumbai, the organisation also included secularism and minority concerns as its core concerns.  A prolific writer, her writings provide incisive analysis of domestic violence, minority rights, secularism, and human rights.  Significant among her many publications is her gripping autobiographical book, ‘My Story Our Story…Of Rebuilding Broken Lives’, which has been translated into several Indian languages, as it is an inspirational narrative. Her own personal struggle against domestic violence, and her unwavering commitment to transform victims into happy survivors has brought her many awards.  She was the recipient of the first Neerja Bhanot Award for personal bravery, the Rachana Award by the Mangalore Chamber of Commerce in 2011, the 11th Annual Kelvinator Gr8 Women Awards 2012, the Zee Marathi ‘Unch Maza Zoka’ Award 2014, India Today Woman Summit Award 2017, amongst others.  She says, when her Alma Mater, St. Agnes College, Mangalore, invited her as Special Guest at their centenary celebrations, it was a very special moment for her. Winning a challenging legal case for a victim of violence, and creating positive case law gives her the greatest satisfaction.  She comments with sadness in her voice, that some of the most violent cases she has handled are those of Catholic women. Her message is, “the decision to end violence has to be taken deep within you, the rest follows, and before you realise, you would have walked far ahead on the road to transform your life”.  She adds, “raising children in a violent home sends out a wrong signal.  It is our duty to create a better world for them, and become their role models”. We, Members of the Kanara Catholic Association, salute this great lady hailing from Mangalore, and making history in women’s issues.  We are proud of you dear Flavia, and wish you more power to continue the good work you are doing. 

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Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner 2018

Update: The Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner 2018, which was celebrated on April 14, 2018, was attended by over 200 Members, their families, and friends at the premises of KCA, Mumbai. Click here to read a report and view photographs of the function.  Event Announcement:  The traditional Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner will be held at 6:00 PM on Saturday, April 14, 2018, at the Ground Floor Hall, at the premises of KCA, Mumbai. The Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner is a time for remembrance and thanksgiving, an opportunity for our community to come together in fellowship, celebrate progress, and partake in constructive collaboration in taking forward this wonderful 117 year old community institution. The programme for the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner is as follows: 6:00 PM        Annual Thanksgiving Mass                        (Celebrated by Bishop Percival Fernandez) 7:00 PM        Presentation by the Managing Council 7:15 PM        Release of the next issue of Amchi Khobor 7:30 PM        Snacks, Beverages & Live Music by ‘One Man Band cum DJ Kenneth Joseph‘ 9:00 PM        Fellowship Banquet (Mangalorean Cuisine and Delicacies) Passes for the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner will be available at the KCA Administrative Office from April 2, 2018 to April 12, 2018. Rs. 200 (Members)Rs. 300 (Guests)Rs. 150 (Children between 5 to 12 years of age) Bookings can also be made by calling the KCA Administrative Office at 2643 1584 / 2642 1037 or by sending an e-mail to Payments for the Passes can also be made by Mobile Wallet (PayTM) to the KCA Mobile Number 98694 58632. We look forward to seeing you and your family on April 14, 2018.

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Contribution to Handmaids of the Sacred Heart Society (Dilkush Special School, Mumbai)

Dilkush Special School began in 1971 with just 15 students in an old bungalow in Juhu.  It continues to be housed in the same bungalow, but the school now has a capacity of 100 students.  The aim of the school is to cater to the all round development of children with mild to moderate intellectual challenges.  The school is open to people from all walks of life, with the only criterion for admission being the availability of a seat related to the appropriate age and an IQ level between 35 and 70.  Most of the present students come from the middle and lower income groups, and are not well off. The school has 11 classes, which focus on academic and vocational skills.  The number of students in each class differs according to abilities and age, and the focus of the class in terms of academic and vocational training.  However, no two children will have the same skills or needs, so the school prepares individual programme’s for each child.  Each class is led by a special educator with a Diploma in Special Education – MR (Mental Retardation) recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). Dilkush Special School’s educational programmes are based on the following principles: 1. Functional Academics : basic reading, writing and math, and it’s application to daily living. 2. Self-care Skills : personal hygiene and grooming. 3. Pre-vocational Skills : skills training in art and craft, cooking, needlework, and bead-work. 4. Extra-Curricular Activities : yoga, music, dance, sport, and drama. 5. Independence and Social Skills : ability to independently interact and communicate with others in different situations and contexts. The long-term aim of the school is to get as many children as possible mainstreamed, so the children are groomed to become as independent as possible.  To further stimulate their minds and bodies, the children are taken on several outings to the beach, gardens, and other appropriate venues. A family that has a mentally handicapped child needs a lot of support because they have to first learn to deal with a future that has become unsure and complicated.  Then they have to deal with a society that is not very accepting, and finally they have to cope with all the new challenges that having a handicapped child brings.  In most developed countries, handicapped children are funded by their governments, but here all the responsibility is on the parents.  This imposes an economic strain that many families feel is impossible to bear. The school which carries on activities for the children as they grow into adults requires support from corporate entities and generous individuals to help them do their best for their students.  The school will be happy to accept any amount to help with the academic and transportation costs of the children. The KCA has contributed Rs. 50,000 to Dilkush Special School, and encourages its Members to help out with any amounts they can to make a difference to the lives of these children.

Contribution to Handmaids of the Sacred Heart Society (Dilkush Special School, Mumbai) Read More »

Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner 2018

Update:  The Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner 2018, which was celebrated on April 14, 2018, was attended by over 200 Members, their families, and friends at the premises of KCA, Mumbai. Click here to read a report and view photographs of the function.  Event Announcement:  The traditional Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner will be held at 6:00 PM on Saturday, April 14, 2018, at the Ground Floor Hall, at the premises of KCA, Mumbai.     The Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner is a time for remembrance and thanksgiving, an opportunity for our community to come together in fellowship, celebrate progress, and partake in constructive collaboration in taking forward this wonderful 117 year old community institution. The programme for the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner is as follows: 6:00 PM        Annual Thanksgiving Mass                        (Celebrated by Bishop Percival Fernandez) 7:00 PM        Presentation by the Managing Council 7:15 PM        Release of the next issue of Amchi Khobor 7:30 PM        Snacks, Beverages & Live Music by ‘One Man Band cum DJ Kenneth Joseph‘ 9:00 PM        Fellowship Banquet (Mangalorean Cuisine and Delicacies) Passes for the Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner will be available at the KCA Administrative Office from April 2, 2018 to April 12, 2018. Rs. 200 (Members)Rs. 300 (Guests)Rs. 150 (Children between 5 to 12 years of age) Bookings can also be made by calling the KCA Administrative Office at 2643 1584 / 2642 1037 or by sending an e-mail to Payments for the Passes can also be made by Mobile Wallet (PayTM) to the KCA Mobile Number 98694 58632. We look forward to seeing you and your family on April 14, 2018.

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KCA Life Membership Open!

The Managing Council is happy to announce that KCA Membership is currently open for the following categories:   Concessional Fee of Rs. 500 per annum (applicable to children of Life Members between 18-25 years) The Membership Application Forms may be downloaded at the bottom of this page.  Filled-in Application Forms may be handed over the KCA Administrative Office in Bandra.  Applications will be accepted up to May 31, 2018. For more details please visit the Membership section of this website. Note:  Ordinary members of the KCA have an option to upgrade to Life/Donor Membership by paying the requisite fee.   Letters have been dispatched to ordinary members intimating them about this option.   Kindly contact the KCA Administrative Office for more details. Membership Application Form – 2018

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Dr. Priya M Sequeira

Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Corniche Hospital, Abu Dhabi (UAE)  Dr. Priya M Sequeira, a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Corniche Hospital, Abu Dhabi, (UAE), and a Life Member of the Kanara Catholic Association, Mumbai, passed the Membership Examination of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (London).  She was felicitated and awarded Membership to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, at a Convocation Ceremony which was held on June 9, 2017, at London, United Kingdom. She is an alumnus of St. Agnes High School, Mumbai; Jai Hind College, Mumbai; Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore; internship programme at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore; D.G.O. (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Manipal University.  She was the Head of the Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Department at Bhakti Vedanta Hospital and Wockhardt Hospital at Mira Road, Thane, before moving to Corniche Hospital, Abu Dhabi, (UAE). Dr. Priya M Sequeira is the daughter of Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira, Life Member and former Vice-President of Kanara Catholic Association, Mumbai. At a function of the St. Luke’s Medical Guild (Mumbai), on October 29, 2017, presided over by Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the Kanara Catholic Association, Mumbai, presented a beautiful plaque and a bouquet to recognize this outstanding achievement of Dr. Priya.  Dr. Anthony J F Sequeira received the presentations / awards in her absence. We congratulate and applaud Dr. Priya M Sequeira for her inspiring achievements.

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Vol. 2, Issue 4: Jan – Mar 2018

The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.    Please view or download your copy from below The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.    Please view or download your copy from below The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.    Please view or download your copy from below The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.    Please view or download your copy from below The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.    Please view or download your copy from below The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.    Please view or download your copy from below The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.  The Jan – Mar 2018 issue of the Amchi Khobor magazine was released by Mr Arvind Pinto (Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Retd), Advocate of the Bombay High Court and Member of the KCA Managing Council), at the Christmas Cheer function, held on December 10, 2017.  visit the website   Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below Please view or download your copy from below

Vol. 2, Issue 4: Jan – Mar 2018 Read More »

Christmas Cheer 2017

December 10, 2017  The Spirit of Christmas is upon us.  The advent of Christmas, a season steeped in tradition, and its significance stemmed in history, is as meaningful and relevant today, eternally contemporary, as in that long-ago night when shepherds followed the Star of Bethlehem to the Manger, honouring the sacred birth of Baby Jesus.  This season of joy and cheer is a time to awaken in us ideals to resurrect over false attachments; to propagate the message of love, peace, and tolerance; and rekindle the simple blessing of giving and receiving the Christ Spirit in Christmas.  This time, Christmas Cheer was celebrated in 3 Parts: Part 1: Christmas Party for Underprivileged Kids In keeping alive the Christmas Spirit of giving, in forgetting oneself and finding time for others, and in reaching out to the less priviledged amongst us, the KCA hosted 40 underpriviledged children from St. Catherine of Siena School and Orphanage, Divya Darshan, and The Rainbow Kids, in ushering the celebration of this season of Joy and cheer, and in making possible Christmas for them at the premises of Kanara Catholic Association on December 10, 2017. The children accompanied with their caretakers were greeted and welcomed by the Members of the Cultural and Recreation Sub-Committee, and hostel residents of ‘Yuvakalaya’.  It was a joy to watch their youthful exuberance, the smiles and excitement writ on their faces, and the expectations of an evening filled with fun and entertainment.  The children were treated to fun ice-breaking sessions and a plethora of games.  What was most heart-warming was a wonderful turnout of 30 members children and guests, who joined the party and made each of our under-privileged guests feel special and accepted.  The threshold of the kids’ joy and excitement knew no bounds upon seeing our ‘Singing Santa’.  They gleefully clamoured around ‘Singing Santa’, hugging and embracing him, whilst receiving sweets and chocolates from his Santa Bag.  ‘Singing Santa’ along with Members and hostel residents of ‘Yuvakalaya’ sang and danced in merriment with the children, before handing each one of them a well packed scrumptious box of snacks, and a bagful of games and toys.  The children wished everyone with a vociferous ‘Merry Christmas’ as they bade farewell. Part 2: Christmas Cheer for Members & Guests The festivities for Christmas moved to the Second Floor Hall, which was well planned and conducted by the witty MC, Lancy D’Souza, providing seamless continuity between varied sections of the evening’s performances.  Members, their families, and friends were entertained with live music and performance by the duo of Brynhild and Willie.   The memorable experiences of the evening were performances by children of Members and hostel residents of ‘Yuvakalaya’ – every performance was greeted with rapture and thunderous applause.  The performances included: Solo Songs  – by Nikita Vaz, Alisha Pais, and Vernon D’Souza; Duet Song  – by Alisha Pais and Nayantara Alva; Solo Instrumental (Flute) – by Anica D’Sa; and Solo BeatBox – by Leon Mascarenhas. The Cultural and Recreation Sub-Committee wholeheartedly thanks each of these young maestros for their breathtaking performances, and wishes each of them the very best in pursuing their interests in music. Earlier, some of the KCA members, together with the hostel residents of ‘Yuvakalaya’ enthralled the gathering with medleys of carol singing in English and Konkani.  Games and other cultural activities were also organized for both children and adults to offer enjoyable moments to one and all, and spot gifts were given away as prizes. As part of the programme, the latest issue of Amchi Khobor, i.e., Vol. 2, Issue No. 4, with its theme based on ‘Good Health‘, (an important Aim & Objective of the KCA Charter) was released by Mr. Arvind Pinto (Member of the Managing Council, Retired Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, and Advocate of the Bombay High Court) and Ms. Clara Menezes (Vice-President of the Association). Members, their families, and friends savoured the merriment and ambiance of Christmas, the joy and cheer of each other’s companionship, the bonding of relationships, and the sharing of Christmas dinner together as one big family and community. Part 3: Special Christmas Celebration for KCA Hostelites & Staff The advent of Christmas, sometimes bring about mixed emotions, especially amongst those living far away from home, away from families and loved ones, at this special time of year.  In keeping with the Spirit of Christmas, and in extending Christmas Cheer at the KCA, the Cultural and Recreation Sub-Committee, hosted a special get-together / lunch for the hostel residents of ‘Yuvakalaya’ and Staff of the Association, on December 17, 2017.  Mr. Sunil Alva (President of the Association) and Managing council members, in their lively interaction with the hostel residents and staff, encouraged them to get to know more about the history of the hostel and to work together with the Managing Council to truly make the hostel a ‘home away from home’. Lancy D’Souza, the MC for Christmas Cheer on December 10, 2017, kicked off the merriment for the afternoon with his repertoire of fun ice-breaking sessions, intellectual games and quizzes, witty jokes and jovial interactions, much to the likeness and appreciation of the hostel residents and staff.  The environment quickly livened with hostel residents introducing their own rendition of good live music and entertainment; their vigour and energy in having a memorable time visibly apparent and gratifying for the Members of the Sub-Committee. As the celebrations wore on, it was time to partake in the sharing of a meal together for Christmas.  Lancy D’Souza led the gathering in the Grace before Meals, and a spread of sumptuously prepared lunch, was served to all.  It was an afternoon filled with camaraderie and fellowship; leaving each one with a sense of happiness and belonging; of being made special and wanted in this season of joy and cheer.  The Cultural and Recreation Sub-Committee expresses its appreciation and wishes to thank all those for helping make Christmas Cheer a heartwarming and memorable celebration at Kanara Catholic Association.  May this season of love and joy, help us cherish peace and kindness, be plenteous in mercy, be wrapped in love and warmth, and experience the blessing of giving

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Dr. A C Rebello, KCSG, MLC

By Robin Saldanha  Dr. Alfred Camilo Rebello was born on 15th July, 1890 at Kallianpur in South Kanara. His father Peter George Rebello was the hereditary Patel and Honorary Magistrate of Kallianpur. His mother Helen (nee Aranha) was elected the first lady member of the Madras senate, as Peter was the highest tax payer in the Madras Presidency. The young Alfred was sent to Bombay for his education at the age of 5 to the home of his uncle, the illustrious F.A.C. Rebello, Esq. BA, JP., who was the Accountant General, Bombay Presidency. He had his early primary education at St. Stanislaus School, Bandra and then passed his Senior Cambridge at St. Xavier’s High School, Bombay. His Uncle Cyril advised him to do medicine so he joined St Xavier’s College to study science. He then proceeded to Grant Medical College and secured the MBBS degree of the University of Bombay in 1913. “With the object of specializing in Diseases of the skin, I became an assistant to Dr. Major C. Fernandez, MD. I worked as his assistant for seven years. During this period, I had an opportunity of seeing and treating most of the skin infections common in the Tropics.” The diligent and handsome Dr. Alfred fell in love with the charming, beautiful Mary Fernandez, the first born of Maj. C. Fernandez, and married her on 20th November 1920 at St. Francis Xavier Church, Dabul. The afternoon of the same day the couple sailed for Europe.  In London, he worked under renowned Doctors at various hospitals and clinics, some of them being Dr. Graham Little of St. Mary’s Hospital, Dr. Gray of the University Hospital and Drs. Griffith, Bunch and Sibley of St. John’s Hospital. Dr Alfred so impressed the foreign doctors with his knowledge, training and professional expertise that besides working as their assistant, they even entrusted their clinics to him during their absence of leave. In France he worked as foreign assistant at the St. Louis Hospital, Paris. It was in Paris that his wife Mary gave birth to their first son, Désiré in 1921 (Dr D.J.A. Rebello who too became a famed dermatologist). In 1922 Dr. Alfred was awarded the Duke of Chesterfield Medal, after a competitive examination for diseases of the skin, held at St. John’s Hospital, London.   Dr. Alfred was also clinical assistant to Dr. Parsons Smith, the Dean of the National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart, London. He took the D.P.H. course in Bacteriology at the University Hospital under Drs. Teale and Embleton. “While specializing in Skin and Venereal Diseases, I took every opportunity of keeping in touch with General Medicine by attending the various clinics at the University Hospital, the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptics, the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the Brompton Hospital for Chest Diseases.” He secured the D.T.M.H.(Lond) soon after. In 1923, his second son Alan was born in London (Dr. A.J.A. Rebello, KC*HS, KSG). Dr Alfred was elected Fellow of the London Dermatological Society and of the Dermatological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine (London). On his return to India he was appointed as Professor of Dermatology and Honorary Physician in the Skin Department of J.J. Hospital. In 1926, Dr. A. C. Rebello was appointed the First Honorary Dermatologist of the King Edward Memorial Hospital and Honorary Lecturer in Skin and Venereal diseases at the Seth Gorkhandas Sunderdas Medical College. Dr. Jivraj Mehta who was the Dean of the KEM and first CM of Gujarat held the young Dr. Rebello in high esteem and stated “due to the efforts and skills of Dr. Alfred the KEM Skin and OPD has the greatest number of daily patients for any specialized department in the hospital and is one of the largest in the country”.  His only daughter Helen was born in 1930 and is the only surviving member of the family. In 1932 he was appointed Honorary Dermatologist of the Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Parel. His youngest son Peter, also a doctor, was born in 1937. On his retirement from these hospitals in 1946 he continued to be a Consulting Dermatologist. He was elected a Life Fellow of the G.S. Medical College and the King Edward Memorial Hospital Research Society. He was given a silver casket and silk scroll from the staff of the G.S. College and KEM Hospital. Glowing tributes poured in as he was highly respected and loved by his students, staff and doctors. “Your clinics were always a pleasure to attend and you relieved the monotony and tedium of medical teaching with witty sallies that kept our interest alive. Your lectures were appreciated not only for their knowledge imparted but also for their lucidity and thoroughness”. “The poor of this city will long remember the kindness and sympathy you have bestowed on them” Numerous medical books were dedicated to Dr. A. C. Rebello by his past students. Dr. Rebello’s consulting rooms were in Khandelwal Bhavan on Hornby Road. He chose to set up his clinic here as it was close to Victoria Terminus and easily accessible to the hundreds of patients who used to consult him from outstation. Dr. A.C. Rebello was the leading Dermatologist of his time besides being an eminent public figure. He commanded an exhaustive practice as he was renowned for his professional skills and care, be it Maharajas, Princes, India’s leading industrialists, religious and the poor; all of whom he would attend to with the same devotion and time. His advice to his patients was ‘Shanti’, as he felt most problems were caused by worry. He once told a doctor he was treating, if you feel an itch join your hands and pray! He still managed to find time to head and be on the board of several organisations both professional and religious. His linguistic versatility was the envy of many and the admiration of all. He could speak Konkani, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tulu and Tamil besides being fluent in French. While in Europe he studied medicine in French, Italian and German.

Dr. A C Rebello, KCSG, MLC Read More »

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